Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Four Things

1.) We are all broken
2.) There is an enemy
3.) There is a Savior
4.) You have a choice as to who you serve

"How wonderful it is that no one has to wait a single moment to start making this world a better place."
Anne Franke

Garden Club Tonight at 7:00pm Esic Church.  The discussion topic is "MONEY"
Please bring a bible, a notebook, and a pen.  You will want to take notes on this discussion. Bring a friend. This discussion will interest most anyone. I believe there will be plenty of questions and discussions.

Love, pastor Kent

God has a plan for your life and your money!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God Has a Plan For Your Life cont….

This Wednesday the "Garden Club is going to start a new discussion series on "MONEY!"

We are going to look at what God says about money in the bible and trust me He says plenty. Some people wonder why God just doesn't seem to show up in their life in a powerful way. Well, I hope you will join this discussion group on Wednesday evenings starting at a new time and find out some very intriguing information. The plan God has for you and me involves us and all that we have. Money is one of those subjects that many people want to avoid especially when it comes to the church. Well the Garden Club is the perfect place for us to open this can of worms because guess what? We don't take an offering.  I promise this is going to be an eye opening and spirit awakening topic to all who attend.

NEW TIME: The Garden Club has been meeting at 6:30 but some people have been rushed with getting home and having dinner so we will begin at 7:00 PM this Wednesday at the church, Esic Baptist.

The Garden club is open to anyone who is interested in finding out more what being a Christian is all about in a very informal setting. So bring a friend and I promise you will enjoy this group.

See you Wednesday at 7:00!  Love, pastor Kent

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Thoughts

Last night after the sermon I asked for questions and comments. My sermon was on, "God has Plan For Your Life!"   One of my comments during the sermon was, "God wants our life to be a masterpiece."  Someone made an excellent comment that God seems to give us different work at different stages rather than creating one large masterpiece or one continuous work to do. This person said she feels at this time in her life she is given to be a caregiver.  I agree. But I would also add that God wants the caregiving to be a masterpiece. In other words whatever God places in front of us we are to, through the help of the Holy Spirit, shine the light of Jesus on the task. Allow the love of Jesus to empower the task at hand.

I used several scriptures about the Holy Spirit but John 3:3 is very interesting to me.

John 3:3 "Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."

What this says to me is that when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit our eyes will be opened and we will see as God sees in this world.  Our hearts will feel what God feels. And because of this awakening we will become very aware of the need around us.  We will truly "see" the kingdom of here and now that God wants to establish.  We then become the tool that God can use to establish this kingdom.

There is much prayer needed. There is much love needed.  There is much forgiveness and compassion needed on earth here and now. You and I can be used by God in mighty ways. And by mighty I mean accomplishing what God wants us to accomplish in His way and strength and when we begin participating with Him our work will become a masterpiece.

God does indeed have a plan for your life!

Love, Pastor Kent

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tonight: God Has A Plan For Your Life!

I hope you will join us tonight. When you come to a Praise Community Fellowship Gathering you are positioning yourself to hear from God. It is always my prayer every Sunday that you will have a touch from God about your life, about your circumstances. Tonight we will be looking at what the bible says about, "God has a plan for your Life!"  Come join us.

See you tonight, 6:30.  Love, Pastor Kent

The following is a message from Sheryl Burian.

Dear Praise Community Fellowship Friends:

PLEASE donate new or use greeting cards for the “Share the love of Jesus”, bookmark project.  There are two more collections days, Sunday April 27th and Sunday May 4th. The fronts of the cards will be used to make a bookmark with a scripture on the back.   Look for the box outside the sanctuary to drop off the cards.

Book Mark work day is scheduled THURSDAY MAY 8TH - 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME and encouraged to participate in the bookmark project.  All who participate on the work day are asked to bring a pair of scissors.  All other supplies will be provided.

If you have questions, contact me at 618-806-4623 or

ATTENTION ALL PCF YOUTH 7th – 12th grades:
Pastor Kent has asked me to sponsor the youth group for PCF.  I am very excited to help with the youth program but I need your help.  Please email as soon as you can at  with the following information:
 Your name – contact phone number – email address – parent/guardian name.

As soon as I hear from everyone I will schedule a short meeting so we can get to know each other and talk about plans for our youth group.
Remember your friends will always be welcome to join us.

Thanks and God bless,

Sheryl Burian

Friday, April 25, 2014

I'm not an artist!

It would be next to impossible to learn how to paint like an artist by just listening to lectures about art and reading books about art. At some point one must pick up a paint brush and dip it in real paint and begin applying it to a canvass. It isn't until that happens that your true learning begins. It is then that you will begin to understand what it takes to become an artist.

How will people know I'm a Christian?

Hope to see you Sunday because God wants to make an artist out of you.

Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I Wonder?

Have you ever had the occasion to declare, "If I had only known ……I would have done things differently!"

To have the right information, the accurate information, the knowledge and understanding about something can save us a lot of grief with many things in our life.

Jesus tried to teach us and give us needed information about this life and the life to come. Now I ask myself, "Did Jesus think more about Himself than others?"
Why did He sacrifice everything in this life, His comfort, His earthly future, His time, and His energy for others?

As I think about these two questions it raises an even more interesting one,"What did Jesus Know that we don't?"  I think the answer to that question leaves me extremely intrigued and excited.

This Sunday, Where is the Fruit?  and What is the Fruit?   or something close to that.

See you soon. God has a plan for your life!   Love, pastor Kent

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Last Sunday We Celebrated Easter

The resurrection of Jesus was the final stamp of authority on who Jesus said He was. We celebrated that event last Sunday. Now here it is Wednesday three days later, has your life changed?

For most of us it probably has not. And, it's not totally your fault because most of us have never been taught how to develop and live a scripture based, Christian world view.
In other words, "How do I live like Jesus would want me to live in this world today?

That is one of the purposes of church. If effective, church can help us develop a Christian world view and help us live like Jesus taught us to live.

Some things to ask yourself and think about:  
What is my agenda?
What am I focusing my life energy towards?

Work is important. It is how we pay the bills, put kids through college, plan for our future. 
Can I live a Christian world view and still pursue my career?

We are going to begin exploring these questions and more over the next several Sundays. I hope you will join us.

Garden Club tonight at Edwardsville Care Center located at route 143 and St. Mary Drive Edwardsville. Time 6:30.

Whats or message?  God has a plan for your life.
What' our mission? To open a conversation about Jesus with as many people as possible.
What's our method? To live our life as a demonstrate of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing with everyone we meet.

Hope to see you Sunday. Love, pastor Kent

Monday, April 21, 2014

Late Monday Thoughts

If you can come to terms that Jesus is who He said He is, and that God really does exists, the next problematic thing is determining what that means to your life!

Since I have made up my mind that Jesus is who He said He is and God does exist, here are a couple of conclusions I have come up with.

The ultimate purpose of my life is not up to me.
God always has my best interest in mind.
The best way for me to know and understand God and what He wants me to do is to spend time with Him.

Here is what is still real hard for me.
Allowing God to have complete control over everything in my life all the time.
Praying with complete faith.
Waiting on God for an answer before acting.

Garden Club this Wednesday at Edwardsville Care Center at 6:30 PM.

God does indeed have a plan for your life!  See you soon.  Love, Pastor Kent

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Service Tonight

Praise Community Fellowship Easter service is tonight at 6:30.

See you there!  Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, April 18, 2014

Another day?

Good Friday is just another day, another Friday. But to a group of people who were following Jesus many years ago, it was a day that shook their world to the core and seemed to have destroyed their hope.  What had begun as an amazing journey had now turned into a nightmare.

Sometimes what appears to be the worst possible thing happening in our life is really just the beginning of something bigger and better.

Suggested Reading for today:  Isaiah 53:3-9  and Matthew 27:11-65

God had a plan For Jesus' life and Jesus fulfilled it to the last detail.

Good news, God has a plan for your life too!

See you Saturday at 6:30PM   Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, April 17, 2014

For your information

Two events worth noting:

1. Through a partnership between the Faith Coalition-Edwardsville and the Glen/Ed Ministerial Alliance and in cooperation with the city of Edwardsville, area residents are invited to attend the First Annual Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service in the Edwardsville’s City Park at 6 a.m. Easter Sunday.
Joe Russo with Faith Coalition-Edwardsville said that together, the organizers were quite excited to share with the broader community the celebration of Easter Sunday with this first annual sunrise service.  “We are not promoting any one church or the laws of any one faith tradition, rather unity through relationship with God and one another,” he explained.  “We are coming together in unity to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ simply as Christ followers not any one church.”

2.) On April 27th there will be a special benefit concert to help the "Wounded Warriors." This benefit will take place at the Wildey Theater from 1:00 till 5:45 PM.   For more information and ticket prices you can go to the Wildey Theater website.

John 8:12

12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

That's all for now!  See you soon. Pastor Kent

Maundy Thursday

What is Maundy Thursday?  The word Maunday is the word used for the ceremonial observation of washing ones feet before a meal. Maundy Thursday is the observation of Christ washing the disciples feet at the last supper.

John 13:14-17

14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Christ was demonstrating to his disciples in a physical way what He tried to teach them over the past three years.

Luke 14:11
11 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Matthew 20:28

28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Being a Christian, and the key word is "being" is a life committed to serving others. 

I hope you will consider inviting your family and friends to our Easter service this Saturday at 6:30 PM. You could be giving someone you love a chance to get involved in a relationship with Jesus. And that is a life changing experience, from now through eternity!

See you Saturday.  God has a plan of your life and for the ones you love!   Love, pastor Kent

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Facebookers I need your help!

For those of you on Facebook and other media devices, I have a mission for you! Could you please get the word out about our Easter Service this coming Saturday at 6:30 PM. By doing so you will be helping with our mission statement point # 2. Point Number two is, What's our mission?  Answer: To open as many conversations about Jesus with as many people as possible!

It's not about having a church full of people so we all feel good about ourselves. It's about getting people in a situation where we can have the Holy Spirit do His work in their life. It's about introducing them to the Savior who can change their life. AND it's a way for us to introduce our message to them which is, "God has a plan for your Life!"

So be creative and inviting, let people know about Praise Community Fellowship. Get on your device and start tweeting and face booking. Let the world know that God has a plan for their life and we want to tell them about it this Saturday at 6:30 PM Esic Baptist church.

A Reminder: Tonight everyone is invited to meet the Garden Club at the Show Place here in Edwardsville to see the movie, "God is Not Dead."  We will be attending the 6:45 showing. I hear this movie is doing very well so you may want to get your tickets early.  If you want to go and cannot get a ticket early, let me know and I will get your ticket this afternoon.

OK that's all for now so be a good disciple and start inviting people to find out about the plan God has for them. See you soon.

Love, Pastor Kent

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This week!

Praise Community Fellowship and friends, this Wednesday we will be meeting at the "Edwardsville Showplace Theater" to see the movie, "God is Not Dead."  We will be attending the 6:45 showtime. This is a function of the Garden Club and all are invited. Bring your family and friends. I hope you can make it I have heard this movie is really good.

EASTER WORSHIP will be this SATURDAY at 6:30. We will come together to receive communion, and celebrate Jesus' breaking the bonds of death for all who choose to follow Him.

Take Away from Sunday's Service:   Jesus filtered His humanity through God, we filter God through our humanity!

Jesus was able to put aside His own comfort, desires, and preferences by completely focusing on Gods mission for His life.  We have the same opportunity, however we allow our own comfort, desires, and preferences to drown out the still small voice of God. When you grasp this it is very profound.

What's our message?   God has a plan for your life!
What's our mission?    To open as many conversations about the love of Jesus with as many people as possible.
Why do we want to open conversations about Jesus?  So people can discover God's plan for their life.
What's our method of opening these conversations?      To live our life as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing to everyone we meet. Because when people discover God's plan for their life, life changes. You are going to be changed when you start walking with God on the path He desires for you. There is comfort and adventure in that relationship.

Prayer: God forgive me for making you second in my life.  Forgive me for tuning your voice out. Help me to hear your voice through my busyness. Help me to hear your voice through the noise of my day. Help me to act on what ever it is you are directing me to do. Give me the  courage to say yes to whatever you place in my path.  In Jesus name Amen!

Hey, God has a plan for YOUR life!
See you Saturday, 6:30.   Love, pastor Kent

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday

What does Palm Sunday, which happened over 2,000 years ago, say to you and your life today?
 I hope you will join us tonight and find out.

I keep telling you that God has a plan for your life.  I know some of you believe me and are seeing it start to happen. But for those of you who are still questioning everything about religion and God, welcome to the club, you have found the right church. I am all about questioning everything!

I am about getting to the bottom line, keeping it real.  What do the stories of the bible really mean to me, Kent Schuette and to you?  Is there really a God who hears us today?  If so then why all the crap in my life? If so why am I so frustrated? If so why are so many people bailing out of church?

And so here is what I have to say to all the skeptics, to those who are overworked, worn out, too busy, too frustrated, exhausted, bored, and just not into it.  I get it! But God is real, and he really does have a plan for your life.  Tonight, with the help of the Holy Spirit, (I'll explain more of what that means tonight too) I am going to show you how "Palm Sunday" can speak to YOU! That God is speaking to you and that He really really really does have a plan for ………….(plug in your name).

Hope to see you at 6:30.
Love, pastor Kent

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Two thoughts for Saturday

Two thoughts for a beautiful day.

1.) We greatly under-utilize our greatest God given ability which is love. Love manifested changes peoples lives, both the recipient and the one manifesting Gods love.

2.) One of the greatest needs of Christians today is quiet time with God. We live in a very noisy world and God usually whispers.

God has a plan for you but you have to listen closely.

Love, pastor Kent

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Good Days Work

We got off to a good start today building the storage shed for Esic Baptist. Ken Winchester and I were the representatives from Praise Community Fellowship helping Chris Azar and Jerry Curran frame the shed.  Tomorrow it should be under roof. If you can lend a hand it would be appreciated. Work starts at 9:00AM.

Hope to see you all this Sunday!
God has a plan for your life, just keep listening because He will lead you to what He wants you to do.
Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Dear God, Help me to hear your voice today as I go about my routines. Please be patient and persistent with me as I try to get better at not only hearing your voice but acting on what you are telling me to do. Help me to know how to become your disciple. Help me to live my life as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing. Amen

Get ready, because God has a plan for your life.
See you soon, pastor Kent

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Work Day

Attention Praise Community Fellowship family:  This coming Friday and Saturday April 11th and 12th there is a work day scheduled at Esic Baptist church. A shed is going to be constructed as well as some clean up in and around the church. All help would be appreciated. Chris Azar will be heading up the work patrol. Work will begin at 9:00 AM both days.  Chris said he will also begin laying out the shed project at the church Thursday.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Sincerely, pastor Kent


The Garden Club will meet again tonight at the Edwardsville Care Center on the corner of Route 143 and St. Mary Drive Edwardsville.  We meet at 6:30.

You have heard it said, "I am saved by Grace"  and "Let's say Grace before we eat."
So what is Grace?

Grace is the undeserved favor of God. It is where God shows us mercy, kindness, and patience instead of the judgment that we deserve for sinning against him. God's grace cannot be earned by our actions or sincerity. It cannot be lost by our rebellion or sin. Grace is based on the character of God and not on our sincerity, performance, or ability to keep the law of God. Otherwise, grace would not be grace. 

I like what Paul Zahl writes about Grace:
"Grace doesn’t make demands. It just gives. And from our vantage point, it always gives to the wrong person. We see this over and over again in the Gospels: Jesus is always giving to the wrong people—prostitutes, tax collectors, half-breeds. The most extravagant sinners of Jesus’s day receive his most compassionate welcome."  We are called to do the same!

What about saying Grace before a meal? 
Grace is an expression of our genuine gratitude to God for the food – which is why we say, “Thank You”

See you tonight at Garden Club.  God has a plan for your life!
Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When will we Get It?

First let me apologize for throwing this news into my blog but I feel compelled because maybe this is why so many people have had it with Christianity.  God teaches so much when you are "tuned in" to His channel.  It started yesterday when I went with Bonni to the opening day celebrations in St. Louis.  Bonni had a work function and asked me to go with her. Here was my observation.

It was 42 degrees, cold, nasty, raining and yet there were thousands of people flocking to the opening day celebration. As we struggled to find a parking spot I said to Bonni, "Isn't it amazing how people will come out in this miserable cold rainy weather for a ball game?"  I said, "I wonder how many would have been here if it were a church service?  OK so I am not against having fun, not at all.  use an observation and then today the news.  But maybe the following news article is why the church is loosing so many people.

The news:

GOP Rep. Vance McAllister has provided yet another demonstration of the perils of selling yourself as a candidate of faith and family values. McAllister issued an apology yesterday, after the Ouachita Citizen published surveillance footage from December showing the 40-year-old congressman from Louisiana passionately making out with staffer Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, who is 33 and married. McAllister's chief of staff confirms to the Monroe News-Star that Peacock has been taken off payroll. McAllister, meanwhile, plans to stand for re-election next fall, "unless there is an outcry for me not to serve, and so far there has been an outpouring of support, not for my actions, but for me to continue to represent the people."
McAllister has been married for 16 years, and his wife and five children featured prominently in several TV ads. He's also touted his Christianity in ads, and several outlets have pointed out that he was endorsed by Bible-loving Duck Dynasty stars Phil and Willie Robertson—the latter of whom McAllister later invited to the State of the Union address. (Source: Newser)

Ok I realize there are many things in this story that can make your blood boil but I am going to stick to one issue, advertising your Christianity as way to make yourself look good.
So here is the deal dear fellow Christians.  STOP…PLEASE STOP telling people you are a Christian  if you are doing so for your own benefit, to try and lift yourself up as if you are better than others.  Just BE a Christian.  It will be obvious and you won't have to try and sell your superiority which doesn't exist anyway.  
And then to all who may read this blog who may not have committed their life to Jesus yet let me just be real honest with you.  We Christians, just like everyone else in this world are all messed up, everyone of us. We are are sinners, we mess up, we let people down, we make people angry, we are just like all of you with one huge exception. We as practicing Christians believe in Jesus and His sacrifice that paid the debt for our sins. That is why Easter is so big for us.  We come together to celebrate Jesus' resurrection after He was crucified on a cross over 2,000 years ago. He was brought back to life to demonstrate to the world that He was who He claimed to be, The Son of God.  And that anyone who believes in Him and gets to know Him will also have eternal life.  And not just any old like we have here on earth but a life of perfect health, happiness, Joy. A perfect life with no pain, illness or sorrows.  The life that we were meant to have back when God created us in the beginning.

I am sorry that we as Christians have let so many down by our actions.  So here is what I want everyone who reads this to know.  As practicing Christians we are called to love one another, forgive one another, and show mercy on those who let us down.  Jesus' teachings are life changing. So with that in mind Vance McAllister messed up. He knows it. His biggest mistake was advertising his Christianity as something that made him superior to the rest of us. God will forgive him if he repents. But here is the bottom line. My Belief in Jesus doesn't make me superior to anyone.  I'm not perfect because I believe in Jesus. I'm not exempt from making mistakes because I believe in Jesus, but I am very blessed to have Jesus in my life. You won't understand that until you experience it. Our church, Praise Community Fellowship is about helping people experience Jesus. If you have questions about this blog send me an email. OK enough now lets move on.

Have a great blessed day because "God has a plan for your life!"
Love, pastor Kent

Monday, April 7, 2014

Three Great Questions

After last nights service I had three great questions asked about the sermon.

1.) The first question was about the story of Martha and Mary. The person asked me, "What if you are a servant type and want to serve others?" 

Answer:  The parable is not discouraging a person from being a servant because we are called as Christians to become servants.  In the case of Mary and Martha, Martha was very busy preparing a meal for Jesus while Mary sat at His feet and had a conversation.  Martha gets a little miffed about this and asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her in the kitchen. Basically Martha is saying, "Hey, this isn't fair, I should have not have to do all the work while Mary gets all of your attention!"
The key here is Choice. No one appointed Martha to busy herself, she chose to do it. And there was nothing wrong with Martha's choice. The issue is the attitude of Martha.  She chose to be a servant which is wonderful until she resents her own decision and gets angry at her sister who made a different choice.  I think we can all relate to this. We get involved on a committee or volunteer to help with something and then get a resentful spirit because we think others just aren't contributing in the way we think they should.  The other lesson here is knowing that there is a time to be busy and a time to become quiet at the feet of Jesus. Sunday worship is a great example. We have many things to attend to other than with God and others in worship.

2.) The second question I was asked was about prayer.  The person asked me, "I want to pray for someone but I do not know what to pray for, I do not want to pray the wrong thing?"

Answer:  The key here is what we talked about in the Parable of the Good Father. (Luke: 11-13) Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit.  The reason we should pray everyday for the filling of the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us revelation from God.  The Holy Spirit "knows" exactly what you need to pray for, who you need to pray for, when you need to pray. The Holy Spirit speaks to us directly from God.  Too often we pray in our own power and without the power of the Holy Spirit and then wonder why our prayers are not being answered. The "SECRET" to powerful prayer is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us and to instruct us as to what to pray for.  When we do that  we can know for sure that we are praying within Gods will and will then know for sure our prayers will be answered.

3.) The third question was about how to feed and exercise our Spirit.  This person said, "I understood how we can exercise our bodies by the doing  4-10s I illustrated and by eating healthy. Give me something specific I can do to feed and exercise my Spirit.

Answer: I am going to answer this one in a separate blog post.  Great questions, keep them coming.

God has a plan for your life!    See you soon, pastor Kent

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tonight: Interesting, Honest, and Just being Real!

Tonight 6:30.  I hope you will join us this evening. We will be sharing communion and looking at another of Jesus' parables and trying to answer the question, "Why don't I experience more results from my prayers?"

Maybe the title of the sermon should be, "Lets just get honest with one another!"

God has a plan for your life!  He really does!  See you tonight.  Love, pastor Kent

A note from Sheryl Burian:

Dear Praise Community Fellowship Friends:

Leah Kaburick and I are organizing "Sharing The Love of Jesus Bookmark Project"!  All ages are encouraged to participate!  We are asking for donations of any size used or new greeting cards.  The fronts of the cards will be used to make a bookmark with a scripture on the back.   We would like to collect the cards on Sundays in April the 6th,13th, Easter Service 19th, and 27th.  Look for the box outside the sanctuary to drop off the cards.

After we check with Esic Baptist building schedule, a couple of project work days will be scheduled in May and announced at a later date. All ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in the bookmark project.  All who participate on the work days are asked to bring a pair of scissors.  All other supplies will be provided.

We will donate the bookmarks and send the message of Jesus’s love to uplift the residents and patients at the Edwardsville Care Center, Beverly Farms, to Zambia with African Vision of Hope, and/or to any other organizations.

If you have questions, contact me at 618-806-4623 or


Sheryl Burian

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Raise the Praise African Vision of Hope Concert Tonight 7:00PM Maryville Baptist Church on Highway 162.  Tickets available at the door.

This will be a night of music and Praise, I hope you will join us in supporting this amazing ministry.

See you tonight.  Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What's My Ministry cont….

You may have a "Serial" ministry! 

When we first started Praise Community Fellowship I told the board to drop all their preconceived ideas of what they thought church should be. Why? Because when we think we know how something is supposed to be, we prevent God from being able to guide us in the direction He wants to take us.

So, when you think of your personal ministry try to let go all of your own thoughts of what that ministry should look like. Even the term ministry probably conjures up ideas of having to go to Africa, or starting a food bank, or preaching the Gospel from a street corner.  Although any of those things could become your ministry, I would say the odds are probably much more likely that God will use you in what I call a serial ministry just like He used the Samaritan person in the parable in the Good Samaritan.

In-other-words God will give us one project at a time. It may be as simple as taking the time to listen to someone who needs to talk about something important to them.  I don't know about you but it has become very aware to me that very few people want to be good, compassionate listeners today. Most people seem to want to be talkers. The world is in great need of Spirit Filled Listeners. A listener has to minister to one person at a time. Yes listening can be a powerful ministry.

As you continue to pray to God asking for guidance for your personal ministry, also ask Him to give you a receptive and willing heart to whatever He places in your path. Remember the Samaritan was going about his normal day.  He too had a schedule and things to do when he came across the injured man. The Samaritan, just like the priest and the Levite, had to make a choice.  The choice was, "Do I stop and get involved or do I ignore the suffering of this person and go about my day?"

When God places a "project" in front of you go to Him in prayer and open your heart to His prompting.  In the parable, the Lawyer asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" And Jesus replied with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The need in this world can be summed up very simply. The need is LOVE in motion!

Love is when you make the health, the happiness, the well being, and the success of another person as important as your own health, happiness, well being, and success. God wants you to be a vessel of His overflowing love and He will guide you to who He wants you to shower with that love. It may be one person or it may be thousands of people like Bob and Judi Bertels' ministry of African Vision of Hope. The important thing is not whether you are serving one or many, it is that you are allowing God to use you at His discretion with whomever He places in your path.

Coming soon…."The LOVE FACTOR!"
God has a plan for your life!
See you soon.  Love, pastor Kent

NOTE: There only a few tickets left for the African Vision of Hope Concert Saturday at 7:00PM Maryville Baptist Church!  Call Judi Bertels if you want to be sure to get a seat to this amazing night of love presented by the Raise the Praise Choir and band. There will be a few tickets saved back available at the door.  Judi's AVOH number 618-288-7695

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday What's Happening?

Garden Club Tonight 6:30 Edwardsville care Center Corner of St. Mary Drive and Route 143 Edwardsville.

PCF Easter Service Plans  Saturday Evening April 19th at 6:30.  I'll keep you posted on any additional info or changes.

What's my ministry? I have been asked this question by several people. I'm encouraged when people ask this question because it means they are thinking about it and are wanting to find it. If you are not sure what your ministry is, don't fret, don't worry, don't become discouraged. There are a couple of things I would suggest you do if your truly want to find your ministry.

1.) Prayer is the first thing! Pray and ask God to show you what your ministry is. Ask Him to help you discover it and then empower you to begin. If you are still struggling, call me and lets talk about it. Sometimes others can help you discover what your calling is.

2.) What has God been placing before you?   Sometimes the answer is right in front of us but we don't think about a circumstance as a ministry. This is exactly what happened to the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan we talked about last Sunday. Ask God to "Open Your Spiritual Eyes" so that you can recognize what He is prompting you to do.  And realize, as I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday, your mission will probably come packaged as a "disruption" rather than a nicely gift wrapped, "Won't this be a fun and rewarding thing to get involved with?" type ministry.  When God lays it on your heart to GET INVOLVED HERE NOW, don't miss the blessing that will be part of the possible disruption.

Why do so many miss their ministry? I am convinced it is cultural. We have become so comfortable and set in our routines particularly here in America, that anything outside of our comfort zone gets vetoed real quick. It is very hard for God to work through us as He would like because we have set filters and parameters on what we are willing to do for Him. God is looking for a surrendered will and a surrendered heart.

There is a new home being built right across the street from my house. I watched the backhoe operator dig the basement. The backhoe is a tremendously powerful machine cable of moving tons of dirt and material in a very short period of time. The operator knew exactly how to use that machine to get the basement dug with precision. The backhoe had no mind of its own but was instrumental in the job getting accomplished. We are all backhoes that need God as the operator. When He becomes our operator an immense amount of good happens for His Kingdom.

God has a plan or your life!  Let Him have free reign over your controls!

Have a great day!  See you soon.  Love, pastor Kent