Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life as Worship

Passion!  I love that word but it is even better when lived! When you learn to live life with "Passion" and gratefulness, you are living your life in Worship. Here is what the bible says,
"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!" 1 Cor. 10:31

Let us eat, and drink, and love, and laugh, and celebrate, and work, and create and do so with great passion and give God the glory. I can take you to several amazing restaurants in this town where you will have to wait to get a table. Why?  Because the food is tremendous! Why?  Because the chefs and the owners have passion for what they do.

I met an amazing man a few months ago when I was building my bookshelves in my office. I needed some specially cut lumber and I was told to go see a guy named Bill Cerny. Bill has an amazing wood shop and has passion for what he does. I love to talk with people who have passion in their work or calling.

But what if I'm stuck in a job that i do not have passion for? What are my options? First, you are never stuck anywhere. You may have to stay where you are for now but there are ways to move on. But listen to what author John Piper says, "You don't waste your life by where you work, but how and why you work!"

As Christians we are to pour ourselves into whatever it is we are doing because we are to be reflections of Jesus. No matter what the job, go at it with passion and let the Holy Spirit shine His light through you. If you own a business or manage a business I have a program I call "The Love Factor!" The Love Factor is when you bring the love and passion of Jesus into your work place. Love people through your work. Try it. It will give you and your business an edge that this world so sadly needs. Let you work become your worship. Let your marriage become your worship. Let your eating and drinking become your worship! It is all a gift from God. I am letting my healing become my worship.

See you this coming Sunday. Let's come together and worship! Love, pastor kent

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