Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Your Greater Purpose!

Since I have been down with my back issues not able to do much of anything, except read, study and pray, I find that this down time has been a great blessing. I now have a deeper understanding of those in the hospital in pain. And, I now see how God can utilize any situation we find ourselves in, "in sickness and in health" as effectively as He can use our times of good health and energy "if" we choose to allow Him to do so!

A very exciting and wonderful revelation has come to me during my time of recuperation, and that is what I call our Greater Purpose! We all have within us a greater purpose! You can be the president of a bank, own a company, be a doctor, an attorney, a janitor, a bus driver, a secretary, a pastor, whatever and where ever you find yourself in this moment, there lies within each of us a Greater Purpose!

Praise Community Fellowship has a greater purpose than what we are currently fulfilling at this time. Much of our life energies are used up on things that that have nothing to do with our greater purpose. Worship can bring us into tune with our "greater purpose!" Here is what I know, you and I and every person on this earth was created in the image of God! That in itself is simply beyond comprehension, but knowing that God has placed in each of us the "potential" for greater good for this world excites me beyond what I can even explain.

Here is what I want everyone who reads this blog to grasp today because this may be the most important thing I have ever been given to write about. YOU, with God's help, have the ability to do something that can impact and/or change someone or many people lives in an amazing way. YOU!

But how? What? Where do I begin?   Great questions and here is the answer:
You start with prayer and reading your bible. Now when I say reading your bible I'm talking about finding a time in the morning to spend at least 5 minutes for a devotional time with God and ask Him to reveal your greater purpose. Do you know how exciting that is?

Let me prime your pump! Most of us are in such a routine that we miss life and the potential to find and fulfill our greater purpose. When you look at the characters of the bible like Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Ruth, and Peter , these people found that when they listened to God they had a much greater purpose than what they could have ever come up with on their own.

 Let me just open your creative brain and get the wheels turning about what a greater purpose looks like.  I recently asked Bob Bertels, founder of Africa Vision of Hope what they need the most to expand their ministry and his answer was this: We need more children sponsored because for $1 measly dollar a day we can feed, clothe, school, and bring them the gospel of Jesus. There are 1,000 children waiting for sponsors. Can you, can we come up with a plan to get those 1,000 kids sponsored?

There are about 6 nursing homes in Edwardsville. I don't know how many residents live at each but I know this from volunteering at Meridian Village there is a huge need for Gods love to be taught and shown in all these places.

Some of you have more time than any other asset. Do you know the power of prayer? Do you realize how praying one, two, three hours a day could impact and change the lives of those who you are praying for?

There is a prison and a juvenile detention home in this town. Do you think the love of Jesus may be needed to be brought into these places?

I could go on and on but here is what I want you to grasp, there is a Greater Purpose with in you. And to close my thoughts on this topic on this beautiful day take three minutes to watch the video attached.  The beautiful thing about filling our greater purpose is it can start small and language, or nationality, or race, has no barrier on Gods love and purpose.  Click on link below.

A small Act of love

Let's change the world starting today! Seek your Greater Purpose and put it into action!

Hope to see you soon. Love, pastor kent

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