Wednesday, June 29, 2016

In His Image

The bible says we are created in God's own image. But, I cannot see God with my eyes, or hear Him with my ears, or touch Him with my hands so how in the world could I be created in His image? What does that mean?

Obviously it isn't about physical attributes, but I do believe it is about His amazing "creative" attributes. The very first words of the the bible say, "In the beginning God Created..."

The bible goes on to say that He created everything by calling it into being. In other words what He thought and said became a reality! When you open your eyes and look around, you are seeing thousands of "things" man has created. Houses, cars, computers, televisions, iPhones, roads, tools, ...and on and on. All these things were first thoughts, and then they became words, and finally became a reality. God gave us the attribute to create albeit in a different manner and time frame. 

If that isn't crazy enough, He also gave us the ability to create other humans! Think about that one. God gave man and woman, the ability to create other humans! 

We were created in God's own image to create. Isn't that amazing? 

Use your God given attributes and create something beautiful! It's up to you and it starts with your thoughts! Are you thinking on great, happy, amazing things? 

Jesus instructed us to use our ability to create to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves! Because to love someone requires action. You must create the expression of love which can be expressed in many ways. There are many many people who need your created expression of love. They are all around, including those in your closest circle. The ability to create starts with positive, loving, caring, compassionate thoughts. All things that man has invented and created came from our God given attribute of creative thought.

Here is what the bible says about this powerful attribute.

Philippians 4:8English Standard Version (ESV)

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

See you Sunday at "The Church" 800 North Main, Edwardsville, Il. at 8:45am!

Love pastor kent and pastor jackie.  Need to talk? Got questions about faith, God, Jesus? Call pastor kent @618-334-3575  Call pastor jackie @ 618-656-4648

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