Monday, June 27, 2016


Unpredictable, that's what life can be at times. You plan, you look forward to, you imagine, you dream, and then bang, the bottom drops out. Something happens, something changes, the deal doesn't go through, a sudden illness, an unexpected bill, a breakdown, a breakup, it all adds up to the same thing; Disappointment, frustration, maybe even anger.

Maybe I should have, maybe if we would have, maybe if I would have known, maybe, maybe......

Sound familiar? It's part of our existence here on this earth. 

So where is this amazing God that we sing about and talk about in church every Sunday?

Where is the creator of the universe, the all knowing, almighty, all loving God in this brokenness and mess?

He is there, patiently waiting for you to open the door and be invited into the situation and more importantly into a deep conversation. The more you listen, the more He will speak. Listening is the problem for most of us because it requires a time of quietness, and a time of devotion to Him. It requires focus.

Have you ever missed a turn while using Google maps?  If you have used Google maps, you know that missing a turn may be inconvenient, it may delay your time of arrival, but it does not mean that you are permanently lost or that there is no way to get back on track. Google maps will "reroute" you to find the next best way to get to your destination. In life, when things go wrong, I recommend going to Google God. He also can reroute you. But you must follow His instructions closely, which will require you to go to Him and listen very carefully.

Yes, it has started off as one of those weeks!

These people need your prayers:

Floyd Fisher: Recuperating from an operation.

Alexis Tharp, Alexis is recovering from a broken wrist and is an unemployed single parent of Audrey  her 4 year old.

Colin Rives, grandson of Judy and Bill Daubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment.

Stan Rutkowski, Stan is a double amputee and lives alone in pontoon beach. He is fighting a compression wound which prevents him from sitting except for very short periods.

Bill Daubensteck who will be having a knee replacement surgery.

If you have someone who we need to get on the prayer list, please call me and let me know!
Pastor kent 618-334-3575

See you soon, love pastor kent 

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