Thursday, July 31, 2014

Two Paths

There are always two paths before you. There is God's way and your way. It doesn't matter if you are sitting down for breakfast, planning a business trip, meeting friends for a drink, or just sitting at home on a Saturday afternoon, there are always two paths before you and you will choose one of them! And if you are like most people, many times you will choose your way. But God's path is the only path that will lead you to Peace, Joy, and fulfillment!

The Good News is, no matter how far you may have strayed from God's path, He will always provide a side road that will eventually lead you back to His path for your life.  Now it's possible that the side road may not look like the most inviting path, but God will get you back to where He wants you! Just trust Him!

Why would He do that after I have neglected Him for so long?  Because you are His child, and He loves you and will never give up on you. Now, just to make you feel more confident that this is a fact, go read Luke 15: 11-32.  You can read it by clicking on the link below.

Read the Scripture Here

This Sunday!   "With God, All Things Are Possible!"  You won't want to miss it. We will share in Holy Communion. See you there! Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life as Worship

Passion!  I love that word but it is even better when lived! When you learn to live life with "Passion" and gratefulness, you are living your life in Worship. Here is what the bible says,
"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!" 1 Cor. 10:31

Let us eat, and drink, and love, and laugh, and celebrate, and work, and create and do so with great passion and give God the glory. I can take you to several amazing restaurants in this town where you will have to wait to get a table. Why?  Because the food is tremendous! Why?  Because the chefs and the owners have passion for what they do.

I met an amazing man a few months ago when I was building my bookshelves in my office. I needed some specially cut lumber and I was told to go see a guy named Bill Cerny. Bill has an amazing wood shop and has passion for what he does. I love to talk with people who have passion in their work or calling.

But what if I'm stuck in a job that i do not have passion for? What are my options? First, you are never stuck anywhere. You may have to stay where you are for now but there are ways to move on. But listen to what author John Piper says, "You don't waste your life by where you work, but how and why you work!"

As Christians we are to pour ourselves into whatever it is we are doing because we are to be reflections of Jesus. No matter what the job, go at it with passion and let the Holy Spirit shine His light through you. If you own a business or manage a business I have a program I call "The Love Factor!" The Love Factor is when you bring the love and passion of Jesus into your work place. Love people through your work. Try it. It will give you and your business an edge that this world so sadly needs. Let you work become your worship. Let your marriage become your worship. Let your eating and drinking become your worship! It is all a gift from God. I am letting my healing become my worship.

See you this coming Sunday. Let's come together and worship! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Your Greater Purpose!

Since I have been down with my back issues not able to do much of anything, except read, study and pray, I find that this down time has been a great blessing. I now have a deeper understanding of those in the hospital in pain. And, I now see how God can utilize any situation we find ourselves in, "in sickness and in health" as effectively as He can use our times of good health and energy "if" we choose to allow Him to do so!

A very exciting and wonderful revelation has come to me during my time of recuperation, and that is what I call our Greater Purpose! We all have within us a greater purpose! You can be the president of a bank, own a company, be a doctor, an attorney, a janitor, a bus driver, a secretary, a pastor, whatever and where ever you find yourself in this moment, there lies within each of us a Greater Purpose!

Praise Community Fellowship has a greater purpose than what we are currently fulfilling at this time. Much of our life energies are used up on things that that have nothing to do with our greater purpose. Worship can bring us into tune with our "greater purpose!" Here is what I know, you and I and every person on this earth was created in the image of God! That in itself is simply beyond comprehension, but knowing that God has placed in each of us the "potential" for greater good for this world excites me beyond what I can even explain.

Here is what I want everyone who reads this blog to grasp today because this may be the most important thing I have ever been given to write about. YOU, with God's help, have the ability to do something that can impact and/or change someone or many people lives in an amazing way. YOU!

But how? What? Where do I begin?   Great questions and here is the answer:
You start with prayer and reading your bible. Now when I say reading your bible I'm talking about finding a time in the morning to spend at least 5 minutes for a devotional time with God and ask Him to reveal your greater purpose. Do you know how exciting that is?

Let me prime your pump! Most of us are in such a routine that we miss life and the potential to find and fulfill our greater purpose. When you look at the characters of the bible like Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Ruth, and Peter , these people found that when they listened to God they had a much greater purpose than what they could have ever come up with on their own.

 Let me just open your creative brain and get the wheels turning about what a greater purpose looks like.  I recently asked Bob Bertels, founder of Africa Vision of Hope what they need the most to expand their ministry and his answer was this: We need more children sponsored because for $1 measly dollar a day we can feed, clothe, school, and bring them the gospel of Jesus. There are 1,000 children waiting for sponsors. Can you, can we come up with a plan to get those 1,000 kids sponsored?

There are about 6 nursing homes in Edwardsville. I don't know how many residents live at each but I know this from volunteering at Meridian Village there is a huge need for Gods love to be taught and shown in all these places.

Some of you have more time than any other asset. Do you know the power of prayer? Do you realize how praying one, two, three hours a day could impact and change the lives of those who you are praying for?

There is a prison and a juvenile detention home in this town. Do you think the love of Jesus may be needed to be brought into these places?

I could go on and on but here is what I want you to grasp, there is a Greater Purpose with in you. And to close my thoughts on this topic on this beautiful day take three minutes to watch the video attached.  The beautiful thing about filling our greater purpose is it can start small and language, or nationality, or race, has no barrier on Gods love and purpose.  Click on link below.

A small Act of love

Let's change the world starting today! Seek your Greater Purpose and put it into action!

Hope to see you soon. Love, pastor kent

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Christianity and worship begin with a decision just like when you made a decision to ask someone out on a date when you first became interested in them. But eventually the decision must be followed by true affections if the relationship is going to become what God intends it to be. But many times people let their affections die due to lack of work, commitment and desire.

That is the problem with too many married couples and Christians. Their initial decision has turned into an obligation rather than an affection and love and passion. The relationship has become mechanical.
The question is, "Can a marriage work mechanically and out of obligation?"  The answer is yes, however, what a sad state of existence that is. There is no joy within a mechanical and obligated relationship. Without affection, love, and passion one is missing out in the "Worship" of one another which would allow the relationship to reflect all that God designed for man and woman.

I am totally convinced that our relationships here on earth should reflect what our relationship with God should be. One of decision yes, but also one that matures into love, passion, commitment, joy, and "Worship!" We need to stop living so shallow and dive into the depth of all the blessings that God has designed for us in this life!

A good singer can come to church and sing out of obligation while their heart and mind are far from Gods love and purpose. And it's possible that the people in the congregation could still be blessed by the song.  But the singer will not receive a blessing. To me that is sad. The same is true with the musicians or even the preacher. If one is coming to church out of obligation and duty instead of with a heart of love and joy and worship, and desire, a huge potential blessing from God is being missed. How sad that is!

Here is what God has to say about this mechanical worship:

Matthew 15:8-9

 "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.

Where there is true worship, there will be a blessing that follows. That is why there are so many going to church today and are not receiving the joy and blessing that they should be enjoying. If one comes to church strictly out of obligation and duty you are wasting your time and according to Gods word you are worshipping Him in vain!
But how do you get excited about going to church to worship?  It has to start with your relationship with Jesus. How real is that relationship? How developed is that relationship? How much time do you spend working on the relationship? It's hard to love someone you don't really know. 

The ultimate goal of church is to turn your life into worship! From the moment you get up until the moment you fall asleep at night worship is what God wants from each of us. Making Him the Joy of our life because of the life He has blessed us with. But none of this comes automatic. It starts with a decision that you consciously and carefully consider just like you would before you decide to marry someone because that is exactly what God is asking of each of us. To enter into a fully God ordained committed relationship with Him. An exclusive relationship. Where God becomes our number one.

I'm not sure that the current model of church can accomplish what God is desiring from us. I see church as a place where the introduction is made, the dating begins and the commitment and the wedding takes place. It's called getting to know and understanding God and then accepting Him as your Lord and Savior and then making a public commitment through baptism. So it has become my burden as well as my wife Bonni's burden to try and figure out how to reach and establish a communication with those who are suffering. And I use the term suffering to describe all of us who have an emptiness or want inside that we just cannot seem to be able to get rid of.  What can we do to bridge the gap and create an inviting place of worship so the people can receive the blessing that God has waiting for them?

Here is what I would like all of you to do for me for this next Sunday. Get a 3 x 5 note card and write these three questions on it.

1.) What do you wonder about?
2.) What do you worry about?
3.) What do you wish for?
Think about these three questions this week and write down your answers and bring them to the service next Sunday. Drop them in the offering box. Do not put your name on them. It is going to help me develop relevant sermons over the next month or so. 

God has a plan for your life!  Hope to see you soon. We have a lot of work to do for Gods Kingdom! Love, pastor kent

Church Cancelled Tonight

Please help me to get the word out that due to my lower back and pain in my left leg I am canceling service this evening. I have not been able to sleep the past two nights due to the pain and this morning it is no better. I don't think this has anything to due with my latest surgery but who knows. Please use this time this evening to pray, and thank God for all the blessings you have in your life. I hope we will get back on schedule next week, I am sorry.

I will blog the points of my sermon later today if I can get some relief.

Hope to see you all soon, Love, pastor kent

Friday, July 25, 2014

This Sunday

Wow, what a blessing it has been being able to study and read and pray for the past 7 days full time. I have much to share with you this Sunday. We will continue our series on "Worship!"  What a very important topic.

Let me leave you this as a teaser for Sunday, It is my humble opinion that Satan has learned that it is much easier to destroy our faith and relationship with God through prosperity than it is with pain and suffering!

I hope to see you all this Sunday at 6:30 pm Crystal garden. Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Steps to understanding Worship

Another step in coming into the fullness of God is coming to the absolute conclusion, reality, and truth that God knows exactly what will bring you into the fullness of Peace and Joy in this life and you don't!

He is seeking our dependance on Him! It's called surrender. That is part of what Worship is all about.

Love, Kent  See you all Sunday

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Thoughts on "Understanding Who God really Is"

I overheard a conversation at the hospital between a couple of women in a waiting room discussing their loved ones ills and why they were at the hospital. After a fairly long conversation about all the problems each of their husbands were facing one of the women said, "Sometimes I think bad things just happen for no real reason." The other woman nodded and said, "Yes I think so!"

All I can say is, "If that is true, then I want off this ship!"  Listen to me, the God we worship…there is that word again…is in absolute control of "everything" whether we understand it or not.  And that fact gives me great peace! Great peace. Peace which surpasses all understanding!

I am recuperating from my spine surgery. On the surface it would seem to me that I could definitely be serving God in a greater way if I were in perfect health. It would allow me to get out and do more, see more people, have more energy and a lot less pain. But, because I know God, I also know He has a perfect plan in all this. This is His will for me at this time in my life for a very specific reason.

Look at this bible passage:

John 19:10-11

10 “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”
11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.

"You would have no power if it were not given to you!  Given by who? GOD!  God is in control, not us!

Matthew 26:50-53

50 Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”[a]
Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51 With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.
52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

Jesus, in His own tragic predicament tells Pilate, that God is in control!  Pilate thought he was in control but it is only because God is allowing him to be.  Jesus found Himself in some pretty bad circumstances but what did He teach us?  God is in control, not the the circumstance!

So here is the deal my dear friends. If you are sick, if you are happy, if you are sad, if you are rich, if you are poor, if you are hurting, if you are in trouble, or if everything in your life seems like Disney World, rejoice. Get with God and thank Him and talk with Him because He is allowing everything into your life for a reason and for a season. There is a purpose in all things! If this were not so we would not have a God worth worshipping!  Come let us worship the one who knows all, controls all, creates all, and who has all power over all things!  Worship Him out of fear and love. You are right where God wants you right now, but unless you come to Him and worship and have a relationship with Him you, like so many, may completely miss what it is He is wanting to show you or teach you in your current circumstances. Everything is designed by God to move us toward His Kingdom!  That's it in a nutshell.  God is "allowing" the circumstances you are experiencing in your life for a reason, and because of that I say let's rejoice!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Hope to see you all this Sunday, I have another amazing God story for you!
Love, pastor kent

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Back Home!

Just got back from the hospital this morning. Surgery went well and I have no pain in my left arm for the first time since last November, amazing! However my neck and spine are very sore and tender, it almost feels as if someone cut into the back of my neck and drilled into my spine..(Kent Humor).

I have to take it very easy for the next 4 weeks  but I can't wait to get back and share another God story with you that I experienced while in the hospital.

Anna Jean, sorry as much as I would love to help you lift boulders on your next landscape job it looks like I'm out for the rest of this season!

I thought a lot about worship while at the hospital, the current series we are on at PCF.  I was up most of the night last night and here is my word which was inspired by a writer named Tozer.

"Our worship of God depends wholly on our concept of God!  In other words the priorities in our life are determined by their importance to us. For true worship to become a priority, God has to be a priority."          
I have much to teach on this in the coming weeks.

Hope to see you all soon, and thanks for all the prayers while I was having my surgery! God is alive and well!

Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

No Joy, No Worship!

I am a grandpa. There is something wonderful about having my 3 year old grand-daughter call me PaPa Kent. She is full of enthusiasm, always wanting to do something fun, especially going to the park across the street from my house.

God created each and everyone of us in His own image. We have feelings, God has feelings.  We love it when we are loved. God loves being loved. He put many of His characteristics in us so that we can understand who He is.

I love visits with my grand-daughter. But, what if she was forced to come see me? What if her parents had to drag her to my house for a visit and the entire time she was there she was in a bad mood and wanted to go home? What if she wouldn't talk with me and just watched the clock until it was time to go home? What if she just wasn't interested in me? How would I feel?  How would you feel?

The joy of my granddaughter is in the fact that I know she loves me and enjoys me and wants to come to my house. Enough said?

God loves you. It's all about finding Joy in the relationship. No joy, no worship.

See you soon. Love pastor kent

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Are you still Dating?

From our Worship series:

I think many of us prefer dating Jesus rather than marrying Him!
Jesus has popped the question and we love the fact that He has asked, but are we really ready for that type of commitment?

There is an old saying I used to hear when I was a young man. It is definitely not from the bible but I do believe that many men in particular find this to be true.  The saying is: " Why buy the cow when the milk is free?" We all want the reward without the work or the obligation or the committed relationship.
God set this universe up with laws that are always for our benefit.  The 10 commandments were for the benefit of the Israelites. There were great rewards promised to those who kept the law. The law didn't work because of the whisperer.  The whisperer still speaks to all of us daily. "There is an easier better way to feel good. You don't need to follow Gods rules. That's crazy. I have a better way that will give you a "feel good high" quicker! All these lies stem from the Garden of Eden's first lie, "You surely won't die!"

The deceiver and his lies are still affecting the human race every day. His mission is very simple. To keep you and those you love from entering into a committed relationship with Jesus.

There is a reward for those who seek God and are willing to take their relationship to the next level! The deceiver offers quick temporary satisfaction that leads to more want. God gives what lasts for eternity.

I will see you all soon! Love, pastor kent

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Update

We have begun our series on Worship.  For those of you who did not get to attend last evening service you can catch up online by going to and listening to the latest sermon on 7-13-14.

Something to think about, "Where feelings for God are dead, worship is dead!"  This is a quote from  author John Piper.  In other words if you come to church and are more concerned about the temperature of the room, the type of music, what kind of clothes I wear that don't match, then you are being distracted by the things of this world. Find Joy in the giver of all good things, God!

On another note, even though this person asked me not to say anything, I just want to mention that there is a very dedicated member of our congregation who has taken it upon himself and has made the beautiful offering box we have been using and last night, in case you didn't notice, made an amazing sound system cabinet all by hand. So Mr. Anonymous, a huge thank you for your talent, time and donation.

I also want to lift up our mission team who are faithfully distributing about 60 lunches per day as part of the TWIGS program. Another huge thank you to all the volunteers who are making this wonderful mission ministry possible. We are called to feed and clothe the poor and to take care of widows and orphans and visit those in prison.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

Our ministry is very unique. We are debt free, and willing to go and do!  Thank all of you for making PCF a special place to worship.  Hey we even have fresh home grown produce show up for the taking, thanks Walt!
 A note from Laurie Frey:
"The African Vision of Hope women's ministry team that is teaching sewing skills to the women of Zambia needs used red, yellow, blue and green Tshirts size L or XL.  They can have holes in them and writing on them...doesn't matter.  Also they need used sheets.  The catch is, these need to be collected in the next day or so.  If you have anything to donate, please text or call me at 799 8445 and I'll get them to the women's ministry team."  Thank you!     Laurie Frey

A final note: I went to the doctor today and will be having surgery this coming Friday. It looks as if it is going to be an outpatient procedure so I should be back at it in a couple of days!  

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Saturday, July 12, 2014

This Sunday!

We will be beginning a series on Worship!  We are called to worship but do we even know what that means?  Oh I hope you will join us for the next several weeks.  I'm convinced that your future and my future as believers relies on our understanding of what worship is.

What did Jesus mean when He said we must worship in Spirit and in Truth? Worship has to do with real life!  Worship is why we are all here, to worship God for evermore. If we can grasp worship and learn to worship, our lives are going to overflow with Gods Peace, and Love, Patience, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

Let's learn what church is supposed to be. Let's learn to worship together.

See you tomorrow evening at 6:30 at the Crystal garden.  Let the worship begin!  Love, pastor Kent

I Can't Let Go of "That!"

"Dear God, I want to follow you.  I believe in you.  I want to understand you better and be in your will, but God please, I can't give up "that!"  I mean "that" is not going to keep me from loving you.  I promise if you let me keep "?" in my life I will follow you, and I will honor you!

Is God wanting you to let go of something?  If so, don't fret. Just write these words on your heart.

God will never ask you to give up anything that is in your best interest to retain!  Gods plan is perfect because He is perfect. If He is prompting you to let go of something, it's for your benefit not His.

He always has your eternal well being in mind.

See you Sunday evening at 6:30.   Come prepared to meet and worship the living God.

Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Something to think about

Do you ever get annoyed or tired of all the people seeking money for some cause?  It seems like every week you are digging in your pocket or writing another check to some organization. You know that there is a need but come on, you only have so much to give.

I guess it really depends on which side of the fence you are on. It depends on your perspective. Did you know that you are a recipient of a missionary? That a man came from immense wealth and a place of beauty into your poverty and got dirty, abused, and killed, to save you?  We are all on the receiving side of a great missionary named Jesus.

2 Corinthians 8:9

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

Our debt is huge. Hunger, sufferings of all kinds all over the world including here is our responsibility as Christians. You can make a difference.  Compare the price of what Jesus paid for you. 

This Sunday we will be talking about marriage!  Everyone knows something about marriage. Do you know anyone who needs to hear the gospel?  This will be a great Sunday to bring that special friend. You know we are living in a very unique time for many reasons. But the one I am thinking about is, we are now living in a time where there are many young people up to the age of about 30 who have never heard the bible stories. They have never been to Sunday school. They do not know the stories of Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Joseph, King Davidnone of the stories. So when we reach out to the unchurched it is a very unique proposition. You and I are called to bring the gospel message to all the earth. We can start in our own back yard. People are seeking something.  We all are. That something is a relationship with God. That is where peace and fulfillment are found. But there is more to it than that. 
Come join us with a friend this Sunday at 6:30PM at the Crystal garden located at 1230 University Drive Edwardsville and find out what it takes to get "tuned in" to God. 

See you there! Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Than Likely!

Have you had a conversation with God yet today?  If not you still have time, He is patient. You just might be amazed at what He might tell you.  It could be life changing! For those who listen and follow through, it will definitely be life changing.

More than likely He won't ask you to walk across the country with a goat.  Although it would be really cool if He did….and you obeyed!

More than likely He won't send you to Africa to help save orphans…but think how amazing your life would be if He did…..and you obeyed!

More than likely He won't ask you to sell everything and give all your money to start a home for the homeless…but think about your reward in heaven if He did…and you obeyed!

More than likely He won't ask you to quit your job and start a school to help unwed mothers on public aid to get a job and a home…but what an amazing life that would be if He did…and you obeyed!

More than likely He will ask you to review your priorities and your relationship with Him. And just imagine how awesome that will be when you obey!

What an amazing Sunday! A Goat, Outdoor Service, and an outstanding message given by Steve Wescott, a man on mission.  Just click the link below to hear his sermon.

Steve Wescott Sermon

God definitely has a plan for your life…but you have to go to Him and have a conversation which means you  spend time listening!

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Friday, July 4, 2014

Can you worship with a Goat?

I think the real question is, "Do we really even know what worship is anymore?"

The more I study the bible, the more I pray, the more I talk with God, the more I realize that EVERYTHING is from God, Everything!  And we are put here on this earth for one purpose, to glorify God!

And, I have come to the conclusion that Glorifying God does NOT mean living my life as some unhappy monk that has no pleasure, no fun, no happiness, no joy, no adventure.  That is what the devil wants us all to believe. That if we put God first in our life, then all the beauty and enjoyment that life has for us must be locked up in a closet and the key thrown away so that we have no access to it.

Man is that wrong. We glorify God by enjoying the gifts and pleasures He has given us and by giving Him thanks and kudos for all of this great creation.  Praise God for my wife, for my morning coffee, for my home, my car, my friends and family. Praise God for Steve Wescott and his goat Leeroy, and for the mission he is raising money for. Praise God for this weather, the food I have to eat, the air-conditioning, the music I enjoy. Praise God for my eyes, my ears, my ability to taste and laugh.

Friends when we gather to worship it is about acknowledging God in a huge way for all that we have because of Him! But let us not make worship just one hour once per week, let our lives become worship and we do that by acknowledging God in everything!

So can we worship with a goat? oh yes, we can worship and laugh and celebrate and love, and sing and be filled with joy because God gave us this moment, this life, and all the people who enter this life.

The 4th of July!  Yes celebrate. But celebrate God because it is all because of Him.

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship meets at Joe Glik Park, Edwardsville, Il. at 7:30AM  Come meet Steve Wescott and Leeroy Brown. They have walked over 2,000 miles and are on their way to New York City. Come worship with a goat!  God is Good. Amen!

We will be collecting a special offering for  Needles2Square,  to help build an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya. click here for more information

God has a plan for your life!  Love, pastor Kent

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

This Coming Sunday, July the 6th!

Hey for those of you who may not have heard check this link out:

Click Here

If you missed the story you can look at my blog from about 4 days ago to catch up. Anyway, Steve and his goat Leeroy Brown will be our guests this Sunday at 7:30AM at Glik Park in Edwardsville. This should be an awesome service so bring a friend and expect to be changed!

Steve has walked with Leeroy all the way from Seattle Washington to Edwardsville and is on his way to New York City. So far Steve and Leeroy have walked over 2,000 miles! That is a lot of steps.

Come ands hear his amazing story. Bring your friends and children and meet Leeroy the goat who has followed his keeper Steve Wescott the whole way. It's a story about God, and a mission. It just goes to show you how a life is changed when God enters the picture. When you connect and tune into God, life becomes an amazing adventure!

We will be collecting a special offering for Steve and his mission. Checks can be made out to:
Needle2Square  and you can write building fund in the memo. Share this link on face book if you can and lets see if we can rally up a huge crowd for an amazing worship service this coming Sunday, July 6th at 7:30AM at Glik Park, Edwardsville.

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Right Now

What is the Holy Spirit trying to tell you right now in the midst of your present circumstances?

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent