Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday July 23rd

Good morning everyone,

Announcements:   Our next service will be August 12th!   Please note that the service will begin at 6:30!  We are starting a half hour sooner so those who have children can get home a little sooner with school starting. We will continue with the 6:30 start time for the remainder of the year. Please check our website calendar to stay up on service dates and times.

I want to comment on the sermon I gave last night. I was approached by several people who said that I kind of left them hanging on some of the points I made about the book of Joshua. First I would recommend that all of you take the time over the next two weeks before we meet again to read the book of Joshua. For those of you who missed last night you can hear the sermon on line on our website at  I will cover the points of why God told Joshua to destroy the inhabitants of the promised land in my next sermon. If you have a friend or anyone who wants to understand the salvation plan that God has for us, this would be a good service to attend. Our next service will also be a communion service.

I want to thank everyone who continue to invite friends and family. It seems every week we have a handful of new faces. Remember, we are not trying to replace any ones home church, we are just offering another choice for Sunday evening worship in a very relaxed, informal atmosphere. We do not ask anyone to become a member. If you show up we consider you part of our family. There are no memberships. We just want to be a place of love, peace and hope for all.

Music notes:  Our next service will be featuring a bluegrass country style music with Jack and friends. This should be a fun musical evening.

Praise Community Fellowship's future success as a place where people come to find love and a closer fellowship with God relies on all of us to be welcoming, caring, and most important praying people. We can only do the work of God if God is our leader. He can only be our leader if we stay in a close relationship with Him. We cannot do it by our own design. 

Please contact me or one of the board members if you have a special need. We are here for you. 

If you have not signed up for our blog yet, please do so at our website. That way you will be sure to get all the newsletters that we send out. If you have friends or family that want to know about our church, please end them a link to our website at 

Hope to see you all soon. Love Kent         For special needs call me at 618-334-3575

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9th 2012

We enjoyed another wonderful fellowship service last night. I saw more new faces which means word is getting out about our amazing family. Bonni and I were talking after last nights service and discussed what a house full of people we will have when everyone shows up. What a wonderful problem to look forward to.

If someone asked me to describe our fellowship family I would say Happy and Enthusiastic! As Rusty Burian said last night during announcements, what was once just a dream is now growing into something amazing. I will continue to pray for Gods guidance as we walk into the future so that we can  fulfill the work that God has set us part to accomplish.

It is my hope and goal  that when a visitor leaves one of our services they walk away feeling happy and uplifted, loved and welcome, and have a desire to seek a closer relationship with our awesome God. I wold ask everyone to help me make sure this happens for everyone who comes to one of our services.

Our current missions:
We are currently collecting food for the food pantry.
Please see our 'Wish List" for Beverly Farm" on our web page look under missions.
We are supporting "The Shoe Man" by collecting wearable shoes that are then sold and the money is used to drill water wells in Africa.

Our Website. If you have not yet signed up for our newsletter, please do so by going to our website at and go to blog to sign up.

The next service, Sunday July 22nd, I will be attempting to answer the the questions,"Is God a kind, loving compassionate God, or a vengeful God of judgement?" and "Why doesn't God let everyone into heaven?"

I would like to have any questions that you may have about the bible or life issues that I could use to work into my future sermons. I want to make our services as relevant as possible to life today. You can submit them to me by email at  or you can call me on my cell at 618-334-3575.

If you have any other needs, prayer requests, would like me to visit someone in the hospital or at home you can submit these requests through the website or call me on my cell phone.

You have a very important choice to make each day you wake up. You can take on the day and all of its challenges, responsibilities, and choices on alone, or you can turn everything over to God and allow Him to be in control of everything. My suggestion is to give it all to God and take the load off of your shoulders. It can be done with a simple prayer as long as you are sincere. Just pray, "God I want you to be in control of everything today. I want to give you full reign over every aspect of my life. I am tired of worrying, struggling, and carrying all of my burdens. I need your help. I need your peace. Thank you for your Son Jesus who died for my sins. I accept the sacrifice He made for me which allows me to come boldly before you and make these requests. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Till we meet next time.  Love Kent

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Praise Community Fellowship Newsletter

Welcome to our new Newsletter format. Thanks Amber for all of your hard work.
This Sunday will be a communion Sunday. The title of this Sundays sermon is "Where is God?"  A question that has been asked through the ages. Sometimes the answer can be quite surprising.

Bonni has put together some wonderful music and will be featuring, Anna Harris, Liz Ahrens, Christy Hurst, and Bonni.

I hope you all can join us this Sunday at 7:00 for a time of worship, fellowship, and communion.

Please keep the following people in your prayers:

Butch Peterson, recovering from heart surgery.
Steve Klingel recovering from shoulder surgery.
Patty Gabel recovering from surgery complications and her son Ben also recovering from surgery.

We are a congregation of unique, loving, forgiving, non-judgmental people who wish to connect with God and His mission for us individually and as a congregation. We encourage everyone to invite people to come to our unique church, to experience love, joy, acceptance and a renewed hope in the reality of God.

I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday, sincerely and with love, Kent