Thursday, March 30, 2017

We Are Back!

Bonni and I have been out of town this past week working on a project for Shriners Hospitals for Children in Florida. I am glad to be back and feel motivated  and inspired again.

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship. We are looking forward to bringing the message of hope to all who come join us at 8:45am, 800 North Main Street Edwardsville. There is a real reason why Sundays should be a time of great celebration! We will be introducing a new song or two. We are getting close to Easter, the greatest event in history. Come celebrate this season with us.

Let's lift up these people in prayer:

Camille Bourisaw is having surgery to remove cancer in her breast. Camille comes and visits us often when ever she comes to town. She lives in Chicago. Camille grew up here in Edwardsville, her dad Lou owned Rusty's Restaurant. Please lift her up to Gods healing grace.

Butch Peterson, continued healing for his broken shoulders. Also for Sandy while she helps nurse Butch back to health.

Mary and Leland Knapp, Mary and Leland have recently moved and Leland is experiencing Hip and back pain.

Floyd and Delores Fisher, continued healing and strength.

The staff at Beverly Farm, for Gods healing Grace and wisdom to help them find solutions to finding more qualified employees.

For our wonderful little church, God's guidance and wisdom to help Jackie and I and all the people of this church family be better stewards of Gods Grace.


Our Food Pantry emphasis for the next two weeks will be Boxes of crackers:  Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Ritz, Club, graham crackers, Cheez-It, etc., and Canned meat:  chicken, ham, Spam, Treet, sardines, salmon, roast beef, stew, chicken and dumplings, chili, Vienna sausages, corned beef, etc.  The Pantry usually  has a good supply of tuna.  Thanks for your donations, which can be placed into the Glen-Ed Pantry boxes now located in the narthex.

This award-winning documentary tells the incredible true story of how God used Samaritan’s Purse in the midst of the West Africa Ebola crisis … and how He worked miracles in the lives of Dr. Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol, and the people of Liberia.  You can see Facing Darkness in theaters on two nights – tomorrow, Thursday, March 30, 7 pm at Showplace 12 (purchase your tickets in advance!) and on Monday, April 10th, time to be determined.  “I went into medicine because I believe that medicine is a way to love your neighbor as yourself,” Dr. Kent Brantly says.  “Yet in a very real way, it was my faith, it was our attempt to follow Christ, that got me Ebola.  And that changes my perspective on faith.  Faith is not something that makes you safe.”  Not only will you be inspired by how God worked through the Samaritan’s Purse team in Liberia, you will be supporting their ongoing work.  Any proceeds Samaritan’s Purse receives from the film will go toward medical missions.

You may now listen to Pastor Jackie’s sermons online.  They will be recorded and then uploaded to our website:  Our thanks to Teresa and Christal Akers-Helle for providing this service for us! Kent's sermons are also online at

See you Sunday! Love pastor Kent and pastor Jackie

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This Coming Sunday!

PCF will be leading the worship this Sunday 8:45am 

Some have you learned last Sunday Butch Peterson fell and broke his left arm near the shoulder. I spoke with him again today and he said that he is doing OK. He said he is sitting inside and watching the birds fly by! He does not have a cast on his arm yet just a sling because the break is high near his shoulder joint. He will be going to the doctor tomorrow and will find out more then.  He did say he plans on being in church this Sunday. 

There is work being done in the hospitality room at church. PCF has donated to help make some necessary repairs to some plaster and loose ceiling tiles. 

All children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited to join us this Friday, March 17th, 5:30-8:30 pm for Kid’s Night Out.  The children enjoy a meal, games, crafts, various activities, a movie and popcorn.  Adult helpers are needed and greatly appreciated.  Please RSVP if possible by return e-mail or call the church office at 618-656-4648.

The second week of our paper goods emphasis resulted in the delivery of an additional 112 pounds of donations to the Pantry.  This included 185 rolls of toilet paper, 35 rolls of paper towels, and 12 boxes of Kleenex.  Thank you for your generosity!  Our emphasis this week will be personal care items:  toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razors, men’s deodorant, 2-in-1 shampoos and conditioner, soaps, etc.  Donations may be placed in the Pantry Donation boxes in the front part of the Hospitality Room.

Our 55+ Fellowship group will meet this Sunday, March 19th beginning at 6 pm, in the Journey’s Inn Room.  Baked ham will be provided, so you are asked to bring a vegetable or salad and dessert.  If you have any Spring Tips for the yard, garden or the home please bring them to share them with the group.  We hope you will come and share an evening of good food, fellowship and a few laughs, no matter your age.  Donations to the Glen-Ed Food Pantry are welcomed.  Questions?  Call Sharon at 633-2659.

Butch Peterson quick healing and recovery.
Beverly Farm Employees Gods peace and wisdom for all existing employees and a solution to find 100 more qualified employees. 
Help for all the Children suffering from wars.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 8:45am. I will have something for you to think about. 
Pastor Kent Schuette
Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear

Two churches worshipping together as one family.  800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

Growing up one of the medications of choice was Alka-Seltzer. But to make it affective, you had to drop the two tablets into a glass of water so that it would release the medication in a form that you could drink. 

It is amazing what kind of relief you can get when you release the Holy Spirit into your life. The Holy Spirit can take the words of the bible and convert them into wisdom for your life circumstances. The Holy Spirit is like the water the Alka-Seltzer is dropped into. The water gave the medicine a vehicle to get into our system. The Holy Spirit gives the words from the bible a vehicle to make the stories understandable and personal for our particular life circumstance. The Holy Spirit is our personal interpreter for Gods word. 

Ask God to make the Holy Spirit real to you.  Become aware of your thoughts, your dreams, experiences, and conversations after you say that prayer. You might just find yourself being prompted by God to open some brand new doors. 

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist Church. Two churches worshipping together as one family. Sundays at 8:45am. 800 North Main Street, Edwardsville. 

For prayer requests and church information please call 618-656-4648.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Make the Decision Right Now

What Decision? The Decision that will change your life from being mediocre into something amazing!

Like What? 
Who is the happiest person you know? You could become that person.
Who is the most positive person you know?  You could become the person.
Who is the most kind person you know?  You could become that person.
Who is the most giving person you know? You could become that person.
Who is the most reliable person you know? You could be that person. 
As a matter of fact why not make the decision to become all of the above? And, while your at it, why not make the decision to live your life as a demonstration of Jesus' love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing? It would also help if you really believed in Him. 
God made us creatures of choice.  What are you choosing? 

It was so good to see Stan Rutkowski at church Sunday! Blessings to you Stan!


  • Youth fried chicken dinner at the Moose Lodge Rt. 143 Edwardsville this Sunday starting at 11:00.
  • Paper products being collected for Glen Ed pantry.

Prayer requests and other needs please call the church office at 618-656-4648.

See you soon. Love pastor kent and pastor jackie
Services held at 8:45am Sunday mornings. 800 North Main St. Edwardsville

Friday, March 3, 2017

This Sunday!

"Please Don't Sit Me Right Next To Jesus!"

PCF will be leading the worship this Sunday and the topic above will give you something to think about. 

This Sunday will be a communion Sunday where we invite all to the table of Grace. We will also have a guest taking photos during the service for a new website which is in production. 

Isn't it amazing that you cannot do one thing with a $50,000 vehicle unless you have a key that is only worth a couple of bucks? I think Christianity is a lot like that metaphor.  Hope to see you this Sunday at 8:45am!  Who knows, something life changing might happen.

800 North Main St. Edwardsville Il. 62025
A place where two different churches have come together to worship as one church. 
Kent  Schuette  Neutral Denominational pastor
Jackie Havis-Shear  United Methodist pastor

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Tonight there will be an Ash Wednesday service held at 6:30pm.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent which traditionally commemorates the beginning of Jesus' 40 days fasting and temptation in the desert after he was baptized by John the Baptist.

What does it mean for you? For many it does not mean anything. For others it is just a tradition that they grew up with in the church. For others it is a time of deep reflection and contemplation about Jesus' life leading up to His resurrection on Easter. Lent, like any Christian observance is all about your heart and relationship with Jesus. If you do not participate in Lent, it is not a sin. If you do participate in Lent it is not going to save you. Christian observances are simply a way to remember and to help us contemplate what Jesus did for us through His life and death. Jesus wants a close, loving relationship with you. But that relationship is up to you. The offer is made, but you must enter into it by choice.

Relationships are built on communication. You cannot have a relationship without communication. We communicate with God through prayer, bible reading, thinking about Him, doing what He teaches.

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship. Come a receive something to think about!

Prayers Requested:

Floyd Fisher was hospitalized yesterday (2-27-2017) at Anderson Hospital.  They believe he has a virus that has been going around and are giving him fluids.  They expect that he will be released to go home tomorrow. 

 Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys found out this past week the she is in stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Beverly Farm Employees Please keep Beverly Farm in your prayers. They are in desperate need of caregiver employees. 


We are asking for donations of paper goods for the Glen Ed Food Pantry the next two Sundays, especially toilet paper and paper towels.  Penny May tells us that Target is having a great sale this week only.  You will need to have a coupon from the Target ad (probably available at the store) or the Cartwheel App on your phone.  You can then purchase the Target brand of toilet paper which is $5.00 for a 12-roll pack.  If you purchase $50 worth of toilet paper (or 10 packages) you will receive $15 off – so you only pay $35.00 for 120 rolls of toilet paper.  Sounds like a great deal – thanks, Penny!  While our focus is on paper goods, donations of any type are greatly appreciated.

Our Youth will be holding a fundraiser on Sunday, March 12 at the Edwardsville Moose Lodge #1561, 7371 Marine Road in Edwardsville.  You will receive an all-you-care-to-eat chicken dinner that includes fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, green beans, green salad, and a beverage of coffee, tea or water.  Cost is $9.00 per adult, and $4.00 for children age 5-12.  Desserts will be sold separately and carry outs will be available.  The dinner will be served from 11 am until 3 pm.  DONATIONS OF NICE CAKES, PIES, COOKIES OR BROWNIES are still needed.  Please sign up on the sheet in the Hospitality Room this Sunday, or speak to Sharon Koenig.  

Please like and follow us on Facebook at https//   This is where the most current information and events can be found.  We have recently discovered that we had postings on two different accounts.

Thanks to Teresa and Christal Akers-Helle who have been working on our website.  They were able to record last Sunday’s sermon and uploaded it to our website so that those who can’t attend church or live away can listen to Pastor Jackie’s sermons each week.  Check out this new feature at

 See you soon. Love pastor kent and pastor jackie
if you have questions, prayer requests please call 618-656-4648