Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

Just a reminder that due to a scheduling conflict with Esic Baptist we will not be meeting at 1:00 this Sunday as originally announced. So, because of all the super bowl activities I have cancelled the service this Sunday.  Please get the word out to those who do not receive this blog. I know some of you have been inviting guests so make sure they are informed that this coming Sunday there is no service.  We will resume next week at the regular time 6:30.

This past Wednesday at the "Garden Club" gathering Gary Daniel shared this statement with us.

"When I'm depressed I'm living in the past, when I'm anxious I'm living on the future, I need to stay focused on the present."  

I think this is a wonderful statement especially when we stay focused on our connection with God in the present.  Asking ourself our mission statement as a question, "Am I living my life as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing right now in this moment?"

See you soon.  Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

No Church This Coming Sunday!

Please note:  Due to a scheduling conflict with Esic Baptist Church we will not be having service at 1:00 as was initially announced. Since it is Super Bowl Sunday and many have said that they have plans, we will not have a service this Sunday but will resume services the following Sunday February 9th.

Have a nice evening with someone you love and go Rams!

Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lunch Break

Life is short, eternity is very long.
Everyone makes a decision after they hear the gospel.

Now get back to work!

Love, Pastor Kent


Good morning. First a huge thank you to Brad Joiner and all his helpers for providing another wonderful Praise Community Fellowship Dinner last night. Brad has a passion for cooking and has a generous heart not only preparing the food but also providing all the food for our dinner.  Thank you Brad and Barb for your generosity it is very much appreciated.

Last night I took a vote on time service for next Sunday because of the super bowl.  The vote went to those preferring 1:00 in the afternoon. Please mark your calendars that next week, Sunday February 2nd, we will be meeting at 1:00 in the afternoon.  I'll send another reminder.

Live boldly with love as your guide. The bible says in

John 16:13

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Listen carefully for the prompting of the Holy Spirit. That is you direct link to God. The Holy Spirit is given to all believers but we must learn how to discern his voice within. That can only be done by quieting our over active mind and by surrendering our wisdom to Gods wisdom. Then we will hear and understand what God has for us. 

God has a plan for your life.  See you soon.  Love, Pastor Kent

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Seeking Wiggle Room in the Gospel

Don't miss tomorrow night, I'm telling you its going to be a good one!  The title of the sermon is, "Seeking Wiggle Room in the Gospel!"

I told you I was inspired by the Garden Club discussion this past week. Boy was I.  I had to take it to prayer and bible research and dig in on some of the questions being asked.  You know the real tuff, uncomfortable questions.

Well tomorrow evening after our fellowship we are going to launch into some very interesting waters, again. But I promise you this, you are going to walk away with a whole new perspective of how to approach the tough questions that we all have when it comes to understanding God and His word.

God has a plan for your life!

Hope to see you tomorrow. Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, January 24, 2014

This Sunday

I think it is going to be the perfect Sunday to come together and share a hot bowl of Chili before the service. Brad Joiner and helpers will be serving dinner at 5:00 in the fellowship hall.

I hope you will join us this Sunday and while your at it,  reach out and invite a friend that you think would enjoy our fellowship and Gods touch.

This Sunday I will continue the thought of last weeks service and we will look at, "How to approach the tough questions of the bible!"

There are so many tough questions when it comes to understanding some of the things written in Gods word. I think you will walk away this Sunday with a whole new perspective of how to approach these "tough questions."  This sermon was inspired by the wonderful and thought provoking questions that came up this past week at the Garden Club gathering led by Jennifer Kaburick which meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

Come and enjoy your Praise Community Fellowship Family and friends this Sunday starting at 5:00.

We gather to worship and learn about the Good News so that we can go out into the world  live our lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing.
God has a plan for you!

Hope to see you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Family Fellowship Dinner

This Coming Sunday January the 26th, Praise Community Fellowship welcomes everyone to come join us at 5:00 for our monthly Fellowship Dinner.  The Dinner starts a 5:00 and we will have service following. For those of you who can, please bring a food offering for the Glen-Ed Pantry. Cereals, can goods, etc.

Brad Joiner wants everyone to know that he does NOT need deserts this Sunday because he is supplying everything!  Thanks Brad!  He still needs volunteers to help in the kitchen but please no deserts.

I hope to see a large gathering this Sunday at 5:00 in the fellowship hall.

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Oh Yea!

Some people ask, "What is the difference between the Christian God and all the other Gods that people worship around the world?"

Basically let me explain it like this:
Our God the Christian God  Exists!

Enjoy the weather, it will be Hot and sticky soon.
Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, January 20, 2014

What do you Think is More important?

There is no getting around it. The bible can be quite a challenge when it comes to squeezing out the true meaning of some of the scriptures. But when it comes right down to the essence of what Jesus was teaching, "What do you think is more important, spending all your time and energy trying to prove that your interpretation of a certain doctrine is right or living your life as a demonstration of Jesus' attributes?"  Something to ponder.

As a Reminder:

This week on Wednesday evening a new group called the "Garden Club" will be meeting at the church to kick around some of the exact things I spoke about in last nights sermon. This group is open to anyone. It is a great place to get to know one another and to discuss life with other Christians. Everyone who comes to this group will have a voice. It is a discussion group. You can come and just listen or you can participate. Either way I think you will get a lot out of the topics and the discussions. The group meets at 6:30 PM at the church.

Please don't forget the Family Fellowship dinner this coming Sunday, Jan. 26th starting at 5:00 pm in the church fellowship area. All are invited and please invite friends and family. Worship will follow the dinner. Please bring items such a s can goods as an offering. We will take them to the Glen-Ed Pantry.

If you know of anyone needing a pastoral visit please call or email me so I can schedule that into my week. My cell is 618-334-3575, my email is

Please continue to lift the following people with healing prayers:
Faye Heuchert
Gerry Godin
John Fagala
Dennis Detoye
The family of Danny Ponce
Butch Peterson Jr.
Cynthia Bastholm
Allen Cassens
Elizabeth Adams Marks

Have a great week. Go now and let your life become a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing in all that you do.

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tonights Sermon, "I Believe"

Wait a minute I thought the title was "What the Hell?" 

No no no that was what I was thinking when I was doing a study on Hell. We are going to get into some interesting water tonight. But I can assure you it is a vital lesson as we move ourselves into a closer relationship with God.

If you have ever gotten stuck on some of the various religious doctrine being taught tonight is going to be a wonderful service for you to attend.

Come worship with us.

Hope to see you tonight at 6:30!  Love, pastor Kent

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What the Hell?

This Sunday I am going to enter some "thick soup!"  I'm talking about the bible and what we believe and why we believe what we believe on such things as Hell.  Why do we call it good news if there is this looming possibility of Hell for all of us?

I hope you will come with an open mind and an open spirit as we continue on our journey this year themed , Discovering the Reality of God in Your Life.

Then, next Sunday we will gather for our monthly family fellowship dinner presented by Brad Joiner and Gary Daniel.  I hope you will bring your family and friends and make Praise Community Fellowship one of your weekly priorities.

See you tomorrow. Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, January 17, 2014

Family Fellowship Meal Jan. 26th

Our next Family gathering will be January 26th at 5:00 pm. Brad is fixin some down home chili that will warm you up own a winters night.

A big thank you to the new folks that came out to help with the set up and kitchen chores last month. If you can do it again please be at the church at 4:15.

Come and enjoy a great meal and wonderful fellowship and extend the invitation to someone new. If you have any questions please call or email me at   My phone is : 978-6247

See you there!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


If you’re feeling like either one of the plants in these pictures, join us tonight at Garden Club, where we can share our joys, concerns, praises, questions, examples of how God is working in your life, etc., etc., etc!   6:30 PM at Esic Baptist. Feel free to bring a friend! 

See you tonight!  Jen

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Note from Jennifer Kaburick

I don’t know about all of you, but 2013 just flew by for me and my family! In looking back, though, it was a very big year for me, in terms of my faith development and trust in God. I started reading the Bible faithfully again (hadn’t done that since my freshman year in college!!), praying a LOT more, and reading more faith-based books. As a result, I really want to continue growing in my faith during 2014 – specifically learning about Jesus more. Loving him and others more deeply. How to witness to others, etc.

Kent did a sermon a few months back where he talked about how, often times, people expect Christians to be perfect. Or they hesitate to go “all in” b/c they think they’ll have to be perfect. But we are far from it! He likened Christians to a Garden Club, where we all want really nice gardens and flower beds (aka, lives), but sometimes things outside of our control make it hard to have pretty/well-manicured ones. However, we can look to other gardeners (ie, fellow Christians) for support, and so we can come together to talk to other gardeners about struggles we’re having with keeping the weeds out or the moles away. We don’t judge one another when someone’s flowers look pitiful (thank goodness!)  – but we look for suggestions, guidance, and support from others.  (Note: I’m actually laughing as I use “we” b/c I am far from a gardener! But I DO want to learn from others with my walk with Christ!)

This idea of a Garden Club got me thinking about a group of us who started meeting this summer on Wednesdays to discuss an amazing book, Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby. These “meetings” led to some great discussions (and in turn, new friendships!). But, sometimes I think it may be hard to have a group that’s based on having to read something. We are all busy and sometimes just don’t get the reading done – it can almost feel like homework, and just adds more stress to our lives. So, what if we remove that added pressure, and just come together as a “Garden Club” of sorts? To share what’s going on with each of us, or just listen to others; offer support, suggestions, or just share how God’s been working in our lives. If you’re reading a book that is impacting you, share it, or if it’s Scripture that’s really touched you, tell us about it. How does that sound? I’d love to see more people get involved (regardless of membership at PCF)! To have this be a night of the week that we really look forward to and want to bring friends, family, neighbors, etc to.  Are you in?

Let’s meet this Wednesday night at 6:30 PM at Esic Baptist.

Hope to see you there!  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Wanna Fly?

I said it in yesterdays blog and I  think it is so important I'm going to say it again today.

"When God becomes real to you, you are going to be set free from so many anchors and chains you will think you can fly!"

Oh I hope you can be with us this Sunday because it is going to be a very important Sunday. It is the first time we will have gathered since last year and the message is going to set the tone for everything we are going to be moving toward from here on. 

The overall theme for this year is going to be "Discovering the Reality of God in Your Life"  and this Sunday we will kick off the new year with some challenges and some stories to get you pumped up for an amazing year.

If you find yourself, Stuck, Frustrated, Bored, Worn out, Burned out, Let down, Unsure, Afraid, Confused…has God got a plan for you!

Hope to see you this Sunday at 6:30.

In the News: Brad Joiner has now become a member of our Church Board. We welcome you and look forward to a very exciting and productive year. Below is a list of our current board members. If you have comments, suggestions, ideas, any of these people would be happy to hear from you.

Rusty Burian          President
Jennifer Kaburick   Secretary
Gary Watson
Amber Boyles Pellock
Kory Kuba
Butch Peterson
Elle Ahrens
Darlene Hanks
Brad Joiner

See you soon. Love, Pastor Kent

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This Year, 2014

I hope you will consider joining me on a journey this year. The journey I am talking about is what I call  "Discovering the Reality of God in Your life!"

Christianity, as I have discovered, is only as good to the degree that you believe God is real AND that He is actively working in your life.  Both these things are vitally important.  You can believe in God and still be completely impotent when it comes to experiencing Him. I know because as long as I can remember I "believed" in God but I certainly couldn't say I was experiencing Him. And let me add, there are times when I still have to refocus and tune in or I will find myself feeling like "He is not that real."

Have you been there?  This Sunday I will start this journey. Here is what I know. When God becomes real to you, you are going to be set free from so many anchors and chains you will think you can fly.

Come join us this Sunday. Bring a friend. There is a real reason why the Gospel is called, "The Good News!"

See you Sunday. Love, Pastor Kent

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Informational Mission Trip Meeting

What?   Informational meeting about taking a mission trip to Zambia with African Vision of Hope.

When?   Tomorrow evening at 6:30

Where?  #8 Professional Park, Maryville Il. 62026

As Judi Bertels says: "This trip will change your life!

Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm so excited for All of You!

When you learn how to play a musical instrument, you learn from others; whether it be a teacher or reading books, or listening to other musicians. The key to mastering the instrument is practice. But the key to becoming an artist is to take all that you have learned and apply it as you express yourself with the instrument in your own unique way.  That's when magic happens. There are many great, formally trained musicians in the world but many of them will never have a significant impact on anyone.  Why?  Because even though they have mastered theory, and technique, many of them have no clue how to create and make music their own.  That is why there are many musicians but very few artists.

I think this same thing happens to Christians. We learn the basics, we practice, but we don't make the art of Christianity our own. I don't think Jesus wants anyone to learn how to be religious. He doesn't want cookie cutter Christians, that would be just plain boring. I think He wants us to take all the fundamentals He taught in the Gospels and apply and express them through our own unique, one of a kind instrument called our life.

I think Jesus wants us to express His teachings through our own unique circumstances to the unique audience that God has given to each and everyone of us.  So when I express the love of Jesus it may be way different than the way you express the love of Jesus because we are different. You are unique, I am unique. Let's become Christian artists and allow the Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Healing to shine through each of us in each of our own unique ways.

As J.P. Moreland said in his excellent book, The God Question , "Your life as a disciple of the Lord Jesus is an entire way of being in the world. You are not a human being seeking a spiritual life. You are a spiritual being seeking a human life.

Wow I love that.  Be your own unique little self! Just let Jesus come through you in all that you do.

Hey, don't lick the flag pole!  See you soon. Love, Kent

Emergency Help

Once again, since Anna Harris is off school today, she has offered to help anyone who has an emergency need such as getting to a Dr. appointment, medicine pickup, etc…if you cannot get out. She  can be reached at 618-531-8300.

Thank you Anna.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Need Help?

We have a volunteer, Anna Harris, who has a 4 wheel drive jeep and is out and about delivering supplies, groceries, medicine, what ever you need.  She wanted me to post this to everyone. If you have a need please call Anna at 618-531-8300.
She said since she can't sing tonight she is going to be a delivery angel.

Go Anna!  Thank you

Services Cancelled Tonight

Dear PCF family, due to the winter storm we will not be meeting tonight. Stay in and we will see all of you next Sunday as we kick off the new year.

See you all soon. Love, pastor Kent

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saying yes to Jesus changes everything!

There is no way you can commit to our mission statement and have your life stay the same! No Way!

Do you want a real life changing New Years resolution?  Apply the new mission statement to every area of you life.
"The people of Praise Community Fellowship, with the help of God, seek to live their lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing toward one another, the community, and all those who God places in our path."
Or, to make it personal, "With the Help of God I will live my life as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing toward everyone who God places in my path.

You can change your marriage, your business, your relationships, and your future by putting this mission statement into practice daily. You can lower your blood pressure and have more joy and peace by practicing our mission. Every person in the bible who followed Jesus had their lives radically changed. They lived exciting lives. There was turmoil, suspense, miracles, passion, love, immense amount of learning how to live differently, and how to worship differently.  Best of all there is the promise. The promise that this life is not your real destiny. It's the life to come.There is more. The best is yet to come! Now that is good news.

Live without fear. Live expectantly. Be thankful for all the good you have now but know that the best will not be found here. It is coming.

Im excited about this coming year for PCF. Big things are on the horizon.

See you all soon.  Love, Pastor Kent

IMPORTANT NOTICE:   I'm watching the weather situation. If what is predicted comes to pass we will not meet tomorrow evening. I will post a blog tomorrow by noon to make the final call.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The New Year at PCF

Whats on the Menu for this year?

The board is active, praying, thinking, dreaming, excited because we are open and willing to go where God leads us, do what He asks of us, and reach out to those who He wants us to reach out to.

The people of Praise Community Fellowship , with the help of God, seek to live their lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing toward one another, the community, and all those who God places in our path.  This is who we are. We want to be living examples of Jesus to the world.  That is a big commitment since we are all broken and fall way short of who Jesus wants us to be. But that is the reason we call the Gospel the "Good News!"  
Everyone can come to Jesus and have a brand new start. A clean slate. A new beginning. 

We are just getting started! There is a new sense of energy I am feeling in the congregation that I attribute to the workings of the Holy Spirit. Lets remain unique.  Lets stay focused on our mission, see above.  Let's stretch ourselves to becoming more like what Jesus taught. Lets remain "DEBT FREE"

I know we need to expand and we will. But lets do it Gods way. Gods way is the only way to find what we are looking for whether it be for our church or for our own peace and joy.

Gods way is to give, joyfully give whatever God lays on your heart to give. It may be time, talent, money. Here is what I know,  God has need of something that each of us currently possesses.   God wants us to give of what we have so that we can be part of His plan which always leads to a blessing. He asks us to share what we have not because He isn't capable of providing it, but because that is how He chooses to work in this world; through us, His creation. It's going to be a great year for Praise Community Fellowship praise be to God.

We have already done some amazing things with our giving and like I said, "We are just getting started."  One of the many reasons I am so thrilled and honored to be called pastor of this church is because I think the people of our church get it in that "It's not about us!"  It's about becoming love to the hurting world.  Love takes on many forms. A meal, providing warm clothes, shelter, encouragement, forgiveness, compassion, well you know… our mission statement.  Are you excited yet?

Happy Blessed New Year to everyone.
I will see you all soon.  Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Power of Prayer

As A pastor I get called on to pray frequently. There is something that I think we as Christians need to understand about prayer. It is a powerful tool. As a matter of fact it is so powerful I am convinced that is why the enemy has made prayer seem so trite, unimportant, and passive to most of us.

Let me make a confession to all of you. There are times I don't feel like praying. There are times I don't want to pray. There are times when I will come up with 100 more important things to do rather than pray. Then I realize why.

Prayer is powerful. Your prayer is just as powerful as my prayer. All of our prayers together become an extremely powerful force in Gods plan. Prayer doesn't require eloquent words, as a matter of fact sometimes there may not be any words that come to mind. Prayer is seeking God with a honest heart.

Never fall for the trap of thinking that your prayer really doesn't matter.  It matters! It is important! God can and will work with us through prayer. So, will all of you receiving this please pray with me for the following:

Dennis Detoye           Healing Peace
Gary Daniel               Healing Peace
Cynthia Bastholm      Healing Peace
John Fagala                Healing Peace
Allen Cassens            Healing Peace
Elizabeth Adams Marks  Healing Peace
Gerry Godin              Healing peace

If I have left someone off please forgive me and send me an email. I will include you in my prayers and add you to the next list.

Also pray for wisdom and direction for our church board as we move forward into this year.

Sincerely, Pastor Kent