Thursday, October 27, 2016

Important Stuff

Sometimes all one needs, is to know someone cares. Be  that "Someone!" 

One Worship Service this Sunday, October 30th at 10:00am. This is the 5th Sunday and on all 5th Sundays we have only one blended service. Pastor Jackie will be leading this service.  Sunday School and Adult education classes will be meeting at 9:00am.

Operation Christmas Child. This coming Sunday is the last Sunday to pick up a shoebox! The shoeboxes are to be filled with items listed on instructions found in the box. The boxes are due back November 6th. They will be sent to a child in need for Christmas.

Pictorial Directory We are scheduling appointments for a new church directory which will have both church families included. You can schedule your appointment by going to  and clicking on the Lifetouch icon. Everyone who has their picture taken will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait, and a copy of the new directory. Photography dates are: November 8. 9, 13 and 14. so please make your appt. ASAP. We want to get you in the directory!

Halloween Free Hotdog Giveaway  We will once again be sponsoring hotdog giveaway at the halloween parade this October 31st. We meet at Barb Joiners Law office located on High Street. There is very limited parking there so if you plan on attending I would suggest you find parking somewhere in the vicinity and walking to the location. Lawn chairs would be a good idea. 
We will begin right before the parade starts. 

Free Thanksgiving Dinner November 20th. We are getting close to our first outreach as a combined church family. If you want to help on Sunday the 20th there will be plenty to do. If you have not signed up for a specific time slot or job, just show up. We will assign you to something. As a reminder we will be needing deserts. We hope to start feeding at 12:00 noon and be finished by 3:00. With enough help, we hope we can be cleaned up and have everyone home by 5:00. 

Prayers Requested:

Alexis Tharp's mother June is at Barnes in ICU in need of peace and healing. 
Bill and Judy Daubensteck's grandson Colin, prayers for healing. Colin is 13 and has cancer. 
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma and complications.
Stan Rutkowski, God's peace, love and healing.
God's continued guidance and direction for our combined church family.
God's blessing on all the churches in Edwardsville.

See you soon! Love, pastor Kent

Need to speak with a pastor?  Pastor kent 618-334-3575.  Pastor jackie  618-656-4648.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Baseball Cubs and Heaven

After church this past Sunday Bonni and I were having brunch with some of our wonderful congregation members and one of them asked me if I thought the people in heaven, who used to be Cub fans, were celebrating their win to get into the world series? 

I have had similar questions about heaven regarding pets. 
Do they go to heaven? 
Will I see my pet in Heaven? The most honest answer I can give to all of these questions is, "I don't know?" I did say that I am pretty sure dogs do go to heaven but cats, I doubt it!  (I'm just kidding!) 

I love it when people question things like this. That is how I began my lifetime quest into getting to know God and the bible. Question everything! Let me give an answer to the above questions about dogs, cats, and baseball which is probably the most biblical answer I can give. We all have things on this earth that bring us joy, happiness, and love. For some it is hunting, for others watching football, others golfing, others fishing, everyone has their thing that brings them happiness and joy. What we have to understand is that all good things come from God and God will eventually become our total fulfillment. In other words, to be in Gods presence someday will fill us with such joy and completeness that nothing else will be needed. Nothing! Although we have special moments and things on this earth that may give us a glimpse of this kind of joy, peace and happiness, nothing will come close to what we will experience when we come into God's presence. He will be all that is necessary for us to be filled to overflowing with completeness, peace, joy, contentment, fulfillment.

What about seeing our loved ones who have died? Will we see them again?
My answer to this is yes but the relationship we enjoyed on this earth, whether it be husband or wife, sister or brother, mother or child etc. won't be the same in heaven. The relationship will not be the important thing as it was on this earth. God will be the center of everything for everyone. From Him and through Him we will enjoy everyone in the same fullness of love, joy, peace, and gratitude. 

Now let me give you my standard disclosure about the above answers and to everything I teach about God. The above is "my" current interpretation which does not make it "The truth!" It is based on what I believe at this time through all my study and prayer. The bottom line is this. God is real. Jesus is a real person who came to teach us about God's Kingdom and to save us not only from death but also from religion! Make sure you read that last line again! 

I think most of us are going to be in for an overwhelming surprise the moment we check out of this world and enter into God's Kingdom. I cannot even imagine the beauty, the awesomeness, the overwhelming peace, joy and love that will experience in God's presence. 

The sole reason I am a pastor, is to try and help people connect with God's Peace! That is what He will give you in this world. And once you have tasted His peace, it is something that you will want to stay connected to closely everyday of your life!

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, two churches becoming one family! We are breaking all the religious rules to bring Jesus to people. 

See you soon! Love, pastor kent
PS Thanks Barb!

Have questions or comments. Text me at 618-334-3575. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

This Sunday!

You Cannot Play It Safe With Love!

Bonni and I have been at Shriners Hospital in Shreveport Louisiana all week filming. We will be leading worship this Sunday and I will be sharing some amazing stories! Stories of love, and hope!

I hope you will be able to join us.  8:45am located at 800 North Main St. Edwardsville.

Love, pastor kent

Saturday, October 15, 2016

One more thing about Tomorrow's Service!

Sunday, October 16th

The sermon tomorrow is inspired by one of our youth, Lane Kaburick, Jennifer and Al Kaburick's son. Lane runs our computer slide presentations each week from up in the loft. I was struggling with the message this week. I had several messages as possibilities but for some reason they just didn't seem right. I will be telling you how Lane came into the picture at choir practice Thursday evening to give me the God Inspired story tomorrow. If you have kids, bring them! Thank You Lane Kaburick for being real, for being honest, and questioning things! 

This coming Sunday PCF will be leading worship. 

The Sermon: "Salvation, I Think I'm Starting To Get It!"
Can we grasp what the bible is trying to tell us about who we are and how much we are loved?
Come and find out this Sunday.


Pictorial Directory Are you tired of trying to guess or remember the person you sat next to last Sunday? IUMC and PCF are going to get to know each other better. And one way we plan on doing that is getting an updated photo directory. LifeTouch assures us that it is not too late to have family photos taken and have them available to give as Christmas gifts. The pictures will be taken on November 8th, 9th, the 13th and 14th. We will need volunteers to assist in greeting those who come for pictures, and for signing up people. There will be a volunteer sign up sheet in the hospitality room. 

On Sunday November 6th we will celebrate All Saint's Day.Please inform Anita in the church office at 656-4648 of loved ones who have passed away since this time last year.

Free Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday November 20th. There will be a volunteer sign up sheet in the hospitality room. We will not be having a service that day. This is a day of outreach for our community. A chance for us to "be" the church!  We will need volunteers for all kinds of positions at various times that will need to be filled. This will be the first major project that both IUMC and PCF will be working on together. A great way to get to know one another and serve the community. The estimated cost of this outreach program will be about $1,400.00. We are expecting to feed between 150 to 200 people! If you would like to make a contribution please include that special gift in the offering and note the check for free thanksgiving dinner.  We will plan on serving from 12:00 noon till about 3:00.

I hope you will join us Sunday to come together in God's name to rejoice in God's goodness. 

Worship time is 8:45am Sunday at 800 North main Street, Edwardsville. 
See you there, love pastor kent

Friday, October 14, 2016

Sunday, October 16th

This coming Sunday PCF will be leading worship. 

The Sermon: "Salvation, I Think I'm Starting To Get It!"
Can we grasp what the bible is trying to tell us about who we are and how much we are loved?
Come and find out this Sunday.


Pictorial Directory Are you tired of trying to guess or remember the person you sat next to last Sunday? IUMC and PCF are going to get to know each other better. And one way we plan on doing that is getting an updated photo directory. LifeTouch assures us that it is not too late to have family photos taken and have them available to give as Christmas gifts. The pictures will be taken on November 8th, 9th, the 13th and 14th. We will need volunteers to assist in greeting those who come for pictures, and for signing up people. There will be a volunteer sign up sheet in the hospitality room. 

On Sunday November 6th we will celebrate All Saint's Day. Please inform Anita in the church office at 656-4648 of loved ones who have passed away since this time last year.

Free Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday November 20th. There will be a volunteer sign up sheet in the hospitality room. We will not be having a service that day. This is a day of outreach for our community. A chance for us to "be" the church!  We will need volunteers for all kinds of positions at various times that will need to be filled. This will be the first major project that both IUMC and PCF will be working on together. A great way to get to know one another and serve the community. The estimated cost of this outreach program will be about $1,400.00. We are expecting to feed between 150 to 200 people! If you would like to make a contribution please include that special gift in the offering and note the check for free thanksgiving dinner.  We will plan on serving from 12:00 noon till about 3:00.

I hope you will join us Sunday to come together in God's name to rejoice in God's goodness. 

Worship time is 8:45am Sunday at 800 North main Street, Edwardsville. 
See you there, love pastor kent

Friday, October 7, 2016

This Sunday....and more!

Please read the announcement at the bottom of this blog about this Sunday's service!

Todays advice, "Question Everything!"  Not as a grimacing, negative skeptic, but as one who is always seeking the smile and joy of God's truth! "What is really going on in this story? What is really being told?"

Think about the paradoxes in the bible! In the story of the Prodigal Son, one character does his life totally right and is in fact wrong while his brother appears to do everything wrong and ends up in God's favor!  Or how about this verse, "You have heard that it was said, "love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." So let me ask you, "Is the devil God's enemy?"  If so, what do we do with the advice Jesus gave us in the verse quoted?"  I have an answer but I will let you think about this one for awhile!

I love the bible more and more because I have decided to question everything. The more that I have allowed myself to seek new possibilities, the more the bible seems to come alive and make sense to  my life. I had another revelation this week when I was questioning Him about how I could get closer to Him in my everyday life. This is what was given to me, "I am already fully available to you at all times and in all circumstances! It is not a matter of getting closer, it is a matter of allowing yourself to hear and understand me and then acting on my promptings and instructions!" 
It is so true! I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, the problem is, too often I keep the door locked! The temple door should always be wide open which means to leave myself vulnerable. Who might come in? Or, what might God say through me? Am I willing to risk the possibility that having an open door just might make life a little adventurous or uncomfortable, or maybe even a little scary? 

Open the door!
Let loose!
Seek Peace!
Seek Joy!
Walk in Love!  And let God lead you in all circumstances. Enjoy the new adventure!

This Sunday we will be meeting in the Journey's Inn room behind the kitchen in the lower level of the church. Not in the sanctuary! Pastor Jackie is going to have a more intimate service "in the round" with pumpkin Bread and coffee as she speaks of the meaning of the stoning of Stephen from the book of Acts. 

Hope to see you there. Love pastor kent and pastor jackie.
Worship time 8:45am Sunday
800 North Main Edwardsville

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Trouble With Prayer!

First let me say that the last post, "Burn In Hell Forever...Really?" must have hit a chord with a lot of people because it has gotten more hits than any blog I have ever written, and I have posted 896 blogs! But this particular one blew the pants off in numbers. I wonder what that means?

I promise to do a follow up on that post soon! But today I want to give you some insight on prayer that I am borrowing from pastor and author John Ortberg. 

For those of you who have ever tried to do some serious praying, have you ever had any of these things happen to you? 

You fall asleep.
You day dream.
You think of a hundred other things rather than praying!  Don't feel bad, it happens to me all the time! Very frustrating. So what I usually do is switch gears and say to myself, I'll try again later when I can get focused. But we all know how that usually turns out. Same thing!

So, what can we do about this when we have every good intention on connecting with God in prayer? I think the following offers an excellent solution! First realize that prayer is not easy. We are human and we house God's spirit within us. The Holy Spirit! Now think about this, "What if some of our wandering thoughts are actually being presented to us by the Holy Spirit as something we should be praying about?"

Example: I sit down to pray for the people on my prayer list but as soon as I start to get focused my mind starts wondering and focusing on another issue I have. I have to get the rent house fixed up, and my car's oil needs to be changed or I have bills that need to get paid..... 
What if, instead of fighting those thoughts, we go to God about those very issues and seek His guidance? What if it's the Holy Spirit guiding our minds to those very things to bring before God in prayer? Maybe it's a hint to turn it over to Him!

I thought this was an excellent idea and will be using this technique when my mind begins to wander when I pray...which is usually every time! I guess I will have a lot more to pray about!

I hope this gives you hope and a possible new approach to prayer!


We will once again be doing the great Hotdog giveaway at the Edwardsville Halloween Parade. It is a very fun evening and all are invited to participate. I will be getting you more details soon. It is on the evening of October 31st.

Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship are collaborating on a Free Thanksgiving Meal to be served on Sunday November 20th starting at noon. This meal was originally planned to offer a nice Thanksgiving meal for our SAKS and TWIGS families. However, we have also included people who show up for the Free Lunch Fridays and decided to open it to anyone in need. All we ask is a head count. If you know of a family or person who might not have a family Thanksgiving, please invite them or let us know so we can invite them. We will be looking for volunteers in many categories for this day and will have a signup sheet for jobs and time slots. This meal will be the Sunday before Thanksgiving. There will be no service that day, we will be busy being the church!  More details and sign up sheets to be coming soon. Please mark your calendars.

Our church is looking forward to a great holiday season. We have more exciting plans being developed and will be announcing them soon! 

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, two congregations working together as one! Meeting at 8:45am on Sundays at 800 North main St. Edwardsville. Come join the team.

See you soon. Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Monday, October 3, 2016

Burn in Hell Forever!....Really?

I have dedicated much of my time over the past 40 years or so trying to understand the bible and God! I have read and heard over and over from many different Christian sources about why I must repent and change "before it is too late!" Too late meaning if I don't get right with God before I die, I'm doomed to eternal punishment in Hell! What.....? Wow, that seems harsh from a loving God! 

And how will I know if I'm right enough with God?  Well you have to believe in Jesus! 

OK I do!  Yea but you also have to change your ways!  
What ways?  Well you know, stop cussing, stop lusting, go to church, don't drink, don't smoke, basically obey the 10 commandments. 
Does anyone follow all those rules?  Well, they are supposed to! 
Ok but I thought I was good if I believed in Jesus, so am I good or not? Well yea but if you really believed in Jesus you wouldn't continue to sin!
Do you believe in Jesus?  Yes!
Well have you stopped sinning? For the most part! 
OK now I am confused. Am I in or out? 
What about all the good Jewish people who don't believe in Jesus and what about all the people born in a country who will never hear about Jesus? What happens to them?

Any of that sound familiar to you? So here is what I would like you to kick around the barnyard for a while. The bible says that we are all created in God's own image. "All of us!" We are his children. One of the traits that must have come from God is our ability to love one another. I think one of the most profound loves we can experience on this earth is the love we have for our own creation, our children.  So let me ask you something,"If your child decides to rebel against you, would you stop loving them? Would you stop loving them even if they chose not to come around and visit you anymore? Would you ever decide to have them thrown into solitary confinement in some awful prison somewhere and have them tortured every day for the rest of their lives because they missed the deadline of reconciliation with you?"

If we, in our broken, imperfect love wouldn't think of doing such a thing to our children, how in the world have some people, who claim to know God, come to the conclusion that He would do even worse to His own children? Sorry, but this just doesn't fit the overall picture and description of Jesus and what He taught. I know this may have been the doctrine for hundreds of years but I'm not buying it.   

What makes more sense to you? 
If Jesus forgave the guys who spent three years with him as his disciples, who then ran away and denied him when He was arrested, then surely he wouldn't deny someone who, through no fault of their own were born into a situation where Jesus isn't talked about or even known about.  For crying out loud Jesus even forgave the men who nailed him to a cross. I mean if the guys who killed Jesus got a pass, doesn't it make sense that He is going to come back for all of us?  

Here is my conclusion which I will stand by with all my heart.
You are loved by a mighty, wonderful, loving God. The world is broken. People are broken. But under the brokenness we are all God's children. 
I may not vote like you. 
I may not dress like you. 
I may not talk like you.
I may not live like you.
But you and I have the same father! We are related. We are brothers and sisters! 
It's Ok to disagree! 
It's OK to do things differently. 
It's OK to like different art, music, and food. 
It's Ok to have different priorities in life. 
It's ok to worship differently!  BUT........

It is NOT OK to hate! 
It's NOT OK to tear down and destroy!
It's NOT OK to cause unnecessary pain to people who happen to be different from you!

I know it is a very complicated world and there are those who have been so brainwashed with hate that they can no longer see or hear God's voice. But most of the people in the world do understand love, compassion, and kindness, all traits of Jesus!

So is there a HELL? Oh yes there is definitely a hell. You can find it right here on earth right now. It is being created by people who have lost their ability to hear God's spirit within them. Hell is when we become separated from God. God is love. So to be separated from God is to be separated from love. 

Let's change ourselves with love so that we can change the world with love! Let's stop confusing people with a confusing message about Jesus and God! None of us are good enough! But Jesus' love is! It's called Grace! The free and unmerited favor of God!  GRACE! If people understood the Grace that Jesus offers, every Sunday worship would be a celebration like no other. It's called the Good News, not the Confusing Damning News. I'll bet my life on Love and Grace any day! 

Hope to see you soon! Sincerely, pastor kent.

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist church. Two congregations becoming one family. We welcome anyone who want's to learn more about Love and Grace! 800 North main Edwardsville.