Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This Sunday!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  This Sunday will be very special. Not only will we be sharing Holy Communion, but we will also be dedicating (Baptizing) Caden Keller into the Christian Faith. Caden's parents, Aubrey and Jimmy Keller have asked our church to do this very special ceremony! What an honor. PCF will be leading worship this Sunday.

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent and we will be talking about Love. We will welcome Caden Keller into the Christian family, and we will all share in Communion. 

Are you stuck? Are you sad? Broken? Lonely? Discouraged? I can tell you that no matter what your circumstances, there is Hope with Jesus! There is Love with Jesus! There is Peace with Jesus!

It is true, you don't have to go to church to know Jesus. But, Jesus lives inside of the people who know Him. And, if you can find a church with people who know Him, you will have an opportunity to be surrounded by people filled with the living Jesus and His Love, His Peace, and His Hope. That is how He works on this earth, through believers. It's your call. Why don't you come into a fellowship of people who know and love Jesus? We are here for you! 

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, two churches under one roof acting as one family with the mission of becoming the Hope, the Love, the Joy, and the Peace of Jesus to all those we meet.  You are welcome here!  Service is 8:45AM Sunday morning. Located at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

There are still some names available from the Beverly Farm Tree. We are trying to provide Christmas gifts for 50 Beverly farm residents who have no immediate family. You can learn more about Beverly farm, a residential home for the mentally and physically challenged, here. Beverly Farm

If you know of a family with needs, please contact pastor kent or pastor jackie.
The church office phone number is 618-656-4648.

See you Sunday! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Advent, What's The Big Deal?

So what is the big deal about Advent? 
Where can I find it in the bible?

If you were brought up in the church, you probably know that Advent is the time when the church gets it's Christmas decorations, the children's choirs begin to get ready for the annual Christmas concert, and the musicians and choirs start playing Christmas songs at the services. 

You won't be able to go to any place in the bible and read about Advent because Advent is a church made tradition. The church came up with Advent to celebrate the coming of Jesus. Like any tradition, it is only as good as those who participate in it understand it. The tradition for most Christian churches consists of the four Sunday's before Christmas and it ends on Christmas eve. 

I think many people actually participate in Advent more than they realize, even if they do not really understand what Advent is all about. Advent is a time of reflection and anticipation. At Christmas time, many people find themselves reflecting about life and family more than any other time during the year. This time of reflection can be very depressing for some if they feel that the best times of their life have already past. Looking back at life is a good thing if we can learn from it and/or receive joy by remembering the good times. But, if reflecting on the past brings sorrow, grief, regrets, and depression, that is a sure sign that your life is short on "HOPE!"  

So, "What is The Big Deal About Advent?" It is the season of Hope! Jesus answered all the longings, all the sorrow, all the fears of all people for all time who have lost hope. Life is good everyday "IF" you have Hope! 

This Sunday we will begin the season of Hope! Pastor Jackie will be leading the worship! If you need a boost in the Hope department of your life, come and join us. Advent is the season of Hope! 
Our services are held at 8:45am and we are located at 800 North Main St. Edwardsville.
Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist church. Two congregations meeting as one Hopeful family. All are welcome.

Announcement:  This Sunday at 2:00pm all are invited to the annual church decorating party. Meet at the church!

See you soon. Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Thank You

Just want to thank everyone who volunteered yesterday for all their help and enthusiasm. It was a joy serving others with all the volunteers from Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship. Also, a very special thank you to Mark and Denise Reeder, owners of DK's Market in Hamel Illinois, for preparing the 16 delicious turkeys and all the fixings for the very successful Thanksgiving dinner yesterday at church. If you haven't tried one of their smoked turkeys you are missing it!  They are located at 225 W. State Street, Hamel, Il. (618)-633-2828. 

This was so much fun, I think we need to do more of these projects. 

This coming Sunday pastor Jackie will be leading the service.  Service is at 8:45AM and we are located at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

This Sunday don't forget to grab a name from the angel tree and/or a name  off the Beverly Farm tree. The angel tree has local families with needs listed and the Beverly Farm tree has a resident from Beverly Farm with no immediate family who also has a wish list attached. 

If you want more Joy in your life, "Get Involved!" Let us all become doers of the word!

Happy Holidays to all and hope to see you soon.

Sincerely, Pastor kent

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Amazing Day

We served approximately 125 meals today. It was a fun wonderful day! Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship...We Did It!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Last Minute Request.... Two Volunteers Needed!

Tomorrow we need two volunteers to help pull turkey off the bone at church. No previous experience necessary! We are meeting at 3:00 to get this important process done before Sunday. Mark Reeder will be bringing the cooked turkeys right after cooking them because it will be easier to debone the turkeys while they are still warm.

If you can help us out please call me. I need two people. I'm guessing it will take about an hour and a half. 3:00 till about 4:30.

Thank you.  Kent  618-334-3575.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Here is What is Happening at "The Church!"

This Sunday there is no worship service because we will be busy "being" the church by serving a free thanksgiving dinner to all who come to us. This Sunday starting at 8:00am we will be gathering in the kitchen located in the lower level of the church to start preparing for our guests to arrive about 12:00 noon. We can use your help! Come for as long as you want or for as short as you want, we will have a job for you. We plan on serving from 12:00 noon until 2:30 or 3:00. If you can bake a pie or desert or purchase a desert to bring and drop off that would be wonderful! Hope to see a big turn out Sunday to help with this great project!

Beverly Farm Christmas Wish Lists will also arrive this Sunday. There are paper ornaments with names of 50 residents of Beverly Farm with their personal wish list attached.  If you want to participate in this ministry, choose your ornaments and wrap your gifts and then place the gifts in plastic garbage bag with the paper ornament attached to the outside. This will help us get the gifts to Beverly Farm easier. You will have 2 weeks to shop and get your gifts ready. We hope to have all the gifts ready to be delivered by Sunday, December 11th!

There is a "Kids" night out this Friday at the church from 5:30-8:30 pm. Children will have a meal together, play fun games, do crafts and other activities. The evening will end with a movie and popcorn. If you would like to have a child participate please RSVP by calling the church office at 618-656-4648. If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry on Friday it would be greatly appreciated. You can volunteer for an hour or the evening. This has become a great outreach ministry and more and more children are enjoying this event. 

Pastor Jackie and I know this is an extremely busy time of year for most of you. We don't want church to be an added stress, but a blessing. We want people to come to church to receive joy, comfort, a meal, love, help, friendship, and HOPE! This is a season of hope. We want Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship to be a blessing in your life. If things are just too crazy for you to participate or help at this time, no worries. We want you and your family to experience PEACE, JOY and LOVE this season and all year! 

Sincerely, pastor kent

Monday, November 14, 2016

When The Church Isn't

When the church isn't for the Broken, the Poor, the Hungry, the Suffering, the Messed Up, the Wacked Out, and the Hard to Be Around, then the church isn't for Jesus and what He taught and stands for.  This Sunday our church will be cooking and serving others a Free Thanksgiving dinner starting at 12:00 noon in the church basement. 

Come be part of a serving family. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist working side by side to serve others. This Sunday there will be no service. We will be busy "Being the church!"

We will begin around 7:00AM. We are accepting deserts! All other food is provided. Hope to see you this Sunday, not for formal worship, but serving in the kitchen. Let the mission begin. What a great way to start the Holidays!

Galatians 5:13

13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

See you Sunday. Love, pastor kent 

Monday, November 7, 2016

I Need Your Help!

Jackie and I have been working on getting an all church directory for some time. Please help us out by booking your appointment and getting your information to Anita, the church secretary. 

Immanuel Methodist has 55 families signed up, PCF has 17????? Hey, I'm not very good looking either but I am going for it!   We want to get the praise band members, singers, board members, everyone to be in the new church directory.  So please call Anita at the church office to make your appointment. Her number is 618-656-4648. 

We  are also looking for volunteers to help sign in when they come in for their photo's on Sunday and Monday. Please contact Christina Wiles if you can help with this at 618-709-3508.

 Photography dates are: November 8. 9, 13 and 14. so please make your appt. ASAP. We want to get you in the directory!

Thank you! Pastor Kent and Pastor Jackie

Friday, November 4, 2016

This Sunday..."When We Die!"

It's the greatest mystery and question of mankind. What happens after we die? Is there a heaven? Will I see my loved one again? This Sunday we are celebrating All Saints day to remember those loved ones who have left this life this past year.  We will take a look at biblical evidence for what happens when we die. God has given us a glimpse into His Kingdom when He sent Jesus into this world. PCF will be leading worship. 

This Sunday we will gather to sing, remember, learn and take part in Holy Communion. All are welcome at our table!

Service time is 8:45am.  800 North Main Street Edwardsville. 

  • Christmas Boxes are due this Sunday.
  • Please sign up to get your family pictures in our new directory. Call Anita at 618-656-4648 or sign up at Sunday's service.
  • Faye Heuchert would love to have a few more people sign up to help deliver lunches on Saturday mornings. See Faye at Church or call her at 656-5885.

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Thursday, November 3, 2016

What are You Practicing?

Last night the band and singers met at church to rehearse for this coming Sunday. It was dark and rainy, the last game of the World series was on, and I was very tired. But when Bonni and I got to the church the lights were on, Ken Winchester was there early as usual, and had everything set up ready to go (which is quite a process by the way!) I did my routine which is to set up my guitar and pedals, tune up, get my music ready and Bonni went to make music copies for everyone. Soon, Lori Rodgers came in, all the way from Godfrey, Eddie Simms who helps run the sound, then Jennifer Kaburick,  and Kristine Wiles. Matt Conway came in and began setting up his electronic piano, then Steve Loucks. We were missing a few members last night due to scheduling issues. 

While most of us were still getting ready for practice, Matt began playing on the upright piano. Matt is a master musician. He can play absolutely anything you put in front of him perfectly and effortlessly. He is one of the very few musicians I have ever played with who has actually mastered their instrument. He thinks, and I'm pretty sure, dreams music. I've known Matt for quite a few years. As a matter of fact for those of you who still might have the Eden Band's Recording of "Jesus Loves Me/God is So Good", Matt is one of the hand clappers in the back ground. That recording was done in the early 90's.

Matt also teaches piano, any level, from beginner to very advanced! Matt has a gift but he also practices. He has spent thousands of hours practicing. I used to be a better guitar player than I am now. I used to practice quite often. Not so much anymore. I am fascinated with people who have mastered certain talents. Almost without exception, people like Matt Conway and other experts and craftsmen got to where they are because of practice. They developed their skill through study, practice, and repetition. 

I know people who wake up worried, worry all day and go to bed worried. I know people who wake up angry and frustrated and live much of their life that way. They have gotten really good at. Why? They practice at it day after day. There are people who cannot carry on a conversation without cursing. Why? They practice at it day after day. There are people who's lives revolve around gossiping. They are really good at it! Why? They practice gossiping daily! There are people who have gotten really good at making their spouse angry or upset. Why? They practice doing it day after day! 

Then there are those who just make you happy to be around. They are pleasant and up lifting. They are full of compliments and positive idea's. How did they get like that? They practice being positive and up lifting with people every day and in all circumstances!

What are you practicing? Are you getting good at it?

Communion this Sunday! PCF is leading the worship.

Prayer requests:
My son Benny fractured his ankle yesterday. Even though it is not real serious, things like this for Ben make his life more difficult and complicated tan it already is. I am praying for rapid healing and comfort.

Alexis Tharp and her family since her mother passed away this past week. 

Bill and Judy Daubenspeck's grandson Colin, prayers for healing. Colin is 13 and has cancer. 

Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma and complications.

Stan Rutkowski, God's peace, love and healing.

God's continued guidance and direction for our combined church family.

God's blessing on all the churches in Edwardsville.

Please Call Anita in the church office to make your picture appointment for the new church directory. Her phone is 656-4648,

Set your clocks Back this Saturday! 

Operation Christmas Child Boxes are due this Sunday!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Last Night

Last night we had our annual hotdog giveaway at the halloween parade. I want to thank Barb Joiner for the use of her office and parking lot and for Brad Joiner for all his work on getting this event setup and all his cooking and hospitality. Always a fun time for those who come by. I think we gave out about 350 hotdogs plus chips and soda. As you can see from the pictures above we kept Ken Winchester and Alan Grammer busy.

This Sunday PCF will be leading the service and we will be celebrating All Saints Day where we will be honoring those loved ones who have left this life to join God since this time last year. If you have a loved one you want to be remembered in this service who has passed away this past year please call Anita so we can get them on the list. A candle will be lit in their honor as well as their name being read during the service. We will also have special music. Anita can be reached at 618-656-4648. 

Remember the Christmas boxes are due back this Sunday so we can get them shipped to the children in need.

Alexis Tharp's mom June Tharp, passed away this past week and the visitation will be held at Irwin Funeral home 591 Glen Crossing Road in Glen Carbon tonight from 5:00pm until 8:00pm. The funeral service will be held tomorrow morning at the Irwin Chapel at 10:00am. 

Hope to see you Sunday at 8:45am. 800 North main Edwardsville.

Love, pastor kent