Thursday, February 23, 2017

First Time Ever!

Today, February 23rd, I did something that I have never done before in my 60 years on this earth. I mowed the lawn in February. Why? To get things prepared for spring. But it's not time for spring! I know, as far as the time of year and the calendar goes it is not time, but the grass, the flowers, and the trees aren't waiting.

Sometimes we need to do things that are necessary even if it is out of the normal. Sometimes we get caught in following the crowd or the schedule or the society, or the current ways even when we know in our hearts that it is probably not the right thing to do. 

Jesus taught us to love our enemy, to invite the poor to our banquets, to pray for those who persecute us, to take the lowest seat at the table, to put others first, to be ready in season and out of season. I don't know what the future holds as far as the weather is concerned so I am preparing as if. I don't know what tomorrow will bring in any way shape or form. But I will plan as if the day will present opportunities for me to love, share, and be a blessing to all who I cross paths with.
Be prepared. Stay in close contact with God! You never know when and where you may be needed.

Sally needs a few more volunteers for the donut and coffee ministry on the Sundays that PCF leads the service. If you can help this ministry please call Sally at 618-978-3490.

6:30 am sunrise service IUMC
8:45 am  PCF
10:15 am IUMC
11:15 easter egg hunt

Preaching and worship schedule:

February 26th      IUMC
March 1                Ash Wednesday – IUMC
March 5th             PCF        Communion
March 12th          IUMC
March 19th           PCF
March 26th           IUMC
April 2nd                PCF        Communion
April 9th                 IUMC
April 13th              Maundy Thursday – IUMC

Have prayer requests or need information?  Call 618-656-4648.
See you soon.  Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Thursday, February 16, 2017

This Sunday

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship. This Sunday's sermon topic, "It Won't Rain Forever!" 
I will be looking at the bible"s answer of dealing with today's stressful problems from relationships. I hope you will join us for some very uplifting music and for an uplifting, motivating message. Things can be better, but you must participate in the change!

We meet at 8:45am located at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville. Come sit in and be part of two churches who have decided that being together, is better than being separate! Immanuel United Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship. Better together! 

Prayer Requests:

 Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys found out this past week the she is in stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Mary Knapp has finally gotten some answers and it appears that the doctor is going to be able to treat Mary for inner ear problem. We are thankful for this report!

The Daubenspeck and Rives family, continued healing and God's comforting spirit.

Alexis Tharp, continued healing and Gods direction after healing.

Delores Fisher, continued healing from her heart surgery.

The employees of Beverly Farm, Please pray that God will strengthen and renew the employees strength and moral at Beverly Farm. Ask Him to provide wisdom to me and the management team as we try to lead Beverly Farm in a new healing and prosperous direction. 


Since our churches are doing more and more together I am pleased to announce that PCF will be helping IUMC with a building renovation project. PCF has agreed to pay for the repair of some plaster work and the repainting of the entry Foyer. IUMC will be taking on a larger project within the sanctuary. PCF has donated $2,900.00 toward the project. 

Faye Heuchert continues to work diligently at her ministry of feeding local children lunches on the weekends. If you would like to help out with this ministry please give Faye a call at  618-444-5650. 

Do you have an idea for a ministry? Need to get a name on the prayer list? Please call the church office at 618-656-4648. 

See you Sunday! 8:45am. 
pastor kent schuette  neutral denominational pastor
pastor jackie havis shear  United Methodist pastor

Thursday, February 9, 2017

From Stressed to Blessed!

There are two kinds of stress in this life. One is unavoidable, the other is manufactured. Jesus told us that in this life we would have difficulties. 

John 16:3"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

We should not think that just because we are followers of Jesus, that everything is going to be another day at Disney World. I think most of us realize that. But there are too many people stressed out about things that they themselves have manufactured like huge credit card bills, or what others think about them, or if they are going to be able to afford their dream home. The list could go on and on. Maybe you are one of the people stressing about some of the things I just mentioned. I'm not coming down on you, I feel bad for you because there is enough stress in this life that we don't have control over  without manufacturing additional unnecessary worries.  I believe God gave us the feeling of stress to let us know when it's time to run to Him and listen closely to His instructions. It is a warning sign that something in our life needs His love, His wisdom, and His healing. 

If you are stressed out, run to God.  He is the best one to turn to when stress begins interfering with the joy in your life.

Prayer concerns:

Mary Knapp is having more tests run because the doctors still haven't found the cause of her loss of balance and the blackouts. So please continue to lift Mary up in prayer. Also pray for her husband Leland who is helping to take of Mary and also has hip and leg pain. 

The Daubenspeck and Rives family, continued healing and God's comforting spirit.

Alexis Tharp, continued healing and Gods direction after healing.

Delores Fisher, continued healing from her heart surgery.

The employees of Beverly Farm, Please pray for God's wisdom and strength for all the employees of Beverly Farm. The care staff has shrunk over the past years to the point where the remaining staff members are having to work many times 100 hours per week in mandatory overtime. That is not a typo! Obviously this amount of work is causing even more employees to leave which then places an even greater burden on the remaining caregivers. I am working with Beverly Farm to try and come up with a plan to correct this problem. Your prayers are greatly appreciated! 


ONE MORE SUDSY SUNDAY!!  We had a terrific response to last week’s plea for dishwashing soap and laundry detergent for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry.  We received donations totaling 117 lbs, including 13 bottles of dishwashing soap and 19 containers of laundry detergent.  This Sunday, February 12, will also be “Sudsy Sunday” – the need for suds is still great!!  You may place your donation in the Glen-Ed Food Pantry boxes in the front corner of the Hospitality Room.

Our February Kid’s Night Out will be held this Friday, February 10th from 5:30 – 8:30 pm.  Kid’s Night Out is a terrific program for children from age 3 through those in 5th grade, as they get to meet new friends, eat supper together, play games and do various activities, and watch a movie together while munching on popcorn.  Adult helpers are greatly needed, as this program is growing.  You may call Kiffon Lewis (618 210-9628) or Jill Winte ((314 422-6734) if you have questions about what the helpers need to do.  To make a reservation for your children to attend, please reply to this e-mail or call the church office, 618 656-4648.  A reservation is not required, it is just used as a tool for determining the amount of food to make, etc.  Thanks for your help!  

·         A steady stream of volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday nights who drop in to paint from 6:30-8:30 pm.
·         There is a need for volunteers to do heavy lifting on Monday and Thursday nights – 3-4 volunteers needed.
·         There is a need for Saturday store help.  There are two shifts available. 
·         A sign-up genius for volunteers to us has been created:

If you have a prayer need or other needs lease call the church office at 618-656-4648.
Sincerely, pastor kent and pastor jackie.

Monday, February 6, 2017

What Is The Biggest Thing God Has Done For You?

Someone asked me once, "What is the biggest thing God has ever done for you?"  My first response was, " You mean besides sending Jesus to offer me eternal life?" Wow, that is a good question. Because once you get to know Him, you realize that every good thing in life has been supplied by Him. My children, my family, my friends, my ability to see, hear, taste, feel, smell, experience. All are great blessings. 

James 1:17  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

When I look back over my life in the light of this scripture, I have a whole lot to be thankful for. But if I had to answer the above question and narrow it down to the biggest thing God has ever done for me I would say it was taking away my fears. Fear of death, fear of illness, fear of loss. He took it away. 

I now live without fears because I know that I can trust Him even though I know this life is temporary and that there are no guarantees offered by this world in this life. There are however guarantees that God gives to us. God offers us Eternal Life! And not just any old eternal existence but eternal existence in a perfect, non corruptible body with no disease, no pain, no sorrow, no jealousy, or anger. Just eternal love, and joy and peace in a place called Paradise!  

Are you struggling with this life? Get to know Jesus. His promises are real because He is real. I know Him. I know what he has done for me and what He can do for you. Call on Him. Ask Him to make Himself real to you! That is how my journey with Him began over 40 years ago.

Sincerely, pastor kent

Alexis will be going back home this week. Because she is still not able to drive, we will need a few volunteers to get her daughter Audrey to preschool over the next week or so. Audrey can be dropped off at the Allison Cassens YMCA child care next to Eden village sometime between 8:30 and 9:00am and will need a ride back home around 4:00 to 4:30 Pm. If you can volunteer for a spot please call Alexis at 618-972-0468. 


The Daubenspeck and Rives family, continued healing and God's comforting spirit.

Alexis Tharp, continued healing.

Delores Fisher, continued healing from her heart surgery.

Mary Knapp, continued healing.

Preaching and worship schedule:

February 12th      IUMC
February 19th      PCF
February 26th      IUMC

March 1                Ash Wednesday – IUMC

March 5th             PCF        Communion
March 12th          IUMC
March 19th           PCF
March 26th           IUMC

April 2nd                PCF        Communion
April 9th                 IUMC

April 13th              Maundy Thursday – IUMC
We are still working out Easter.  Worship time is 8:45am Sunday morning at 800 North main Street Edwardsville.
If you have prayer requests or other concerns please call the church office at 618-656-4648. 

See you soon. Love pastor kent and pastor Jackie.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

This Sunday dedicated to Colin Rives

This Sunday I have decided to dedicate the service to Colin Rives who passed away this past Tuesday morning. Colin was only 14 years old. I want to address his passing in light of our beliefs. I will be addressing this hard topic to try and offer some peace, comfort and understanding. It is times like this where our faith is squeezed. It is a time where real tough questions are asked and need answers. I am praying and seeking Gods wisdom for this service. I hope you will come and join us for this very special service. 

Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship and I know the Praise team is planning on special music to go with this service. We will also be coming to the table of grace and share in communion. 

I want to tell you that even in life darkest moments, God's light is available and shining brightly. 


The Daubenspeck and Rives family, peace and God's comforting spirit.

Alexis Tharp, continued healing.

Barb Weiss, strength and blessings for serving with love.  You can offer assistance to barb by going to the care calendar and signing up. The calendar address  Security code: alexis

Delores Fisher, continued healing from her heart surgery.

Mary Knapp, continued healing.


COLLIN RIVES VISITATION:  Our condolences go to the family of Collin Rives, who passed away on Tuesday morning at the age of 14.  Collin’s grandparents, Bill and Judy Daubenspeck attend our contemporary worship service.  Visitation will be held this Saturday, February 4th from 12 Noon until 4:00 pm at Pitchford Funeral Home, 2555 Vaughn Road in Wood River.  

The Glen-Ed Food Pantry has an urgent need for dishwashing soap and laundry detergent.  If you are able to bring one of these items to church with you this week on “Sudsy Sunday”, it would be most welcome.  You may place your donations in the Hospitality Room.

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING:  More than 25 years ago, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group:  “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”  Since that day, more than $125 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring.  Our youth group will be taking a collection following both services 

If you have prayer requests or other needs, please call the church office at 618-656-4648.

See you Sunday, 8:45am. 800 North main Street Edwardsville.
sincerely, pastor kent and pastor jackie.