Thursday, September 29, 2016

This Sunday.......H20!

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship. We will be looking at the fascinating use of  water in the stories found in the bible! "Isn't it amazing that the earth is about 71% water and so are our bodies?" 

We will also be featuring a young talented guest singer! 

  • Music
  • Worship
  • Teaching
  • Communion

All are welcome at the table of Grace!  All this Sunday at 8:45am.

We are family friendly church. Informal, Friendly, Caring, Loving, and Accepting of all who are seeking answers to this crazy life in this crazy world.  The bible paints a picture of love and acceptance! If you are looking for love and acceptance our door is open to you! 

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, two church families proving that titles don't matter. Love and compassion, and acceptance matters. We are better together! Come join us! Sunday service begins at 8:45am. We are located at 800 North Main Edwardsville.
Have questions? Give pastor kent or pastor jackie a call. 
Pastor Kent 618-334-3575 Pastor Jackie 618-656-4648.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

And the Truth Will Set You Free!

Freedom happens when you realize that it is OK to let go of old beliefs, no matter how sacred you have made them. You begin to realize just how expansive and joyful life can become when you are able to unlock the chains of tradition, and passed down "truths" (which usually aren't truths at all), which serve only to keep you and others in bondage.  

The Pharisees could not see beyond their truth. Their traditions and false beliefs held them in miserable bondage. Their truths caused them much distress and fear. They feared lack of power, loss of control, loss of status. The Pharisee's truth prevented them from seeing who Jesus was, the long awaited Messiah! There He stood, right in front of them, yet they were blinded by their own ignorance, their own traditions, their own truths. They could not recognize the son of God because they thought they already knew the truth of who He would be, what He would look like, how He would act, and what He would say and do.

You and I are no different. We have a hard time accepting new idea's and possibilities because we think we already know how something is or how something works. Too often we are all about the should's or shouldn'ts rather than about the possibilities that there may be something much greater for us if we would only let go of some of our prejudices, traditions, and fears. The old ways have past and a new covenant was and is at hand.

Jesus wants to set all of us free. There is Joy and freedom in knowing Jesus! If you lack joy in your life I would begin reviewing your truth's and beliefs. Maybe the truth is standing before you but you are blinded like the Pharisees. Does that thought make you uncomfortable? It did for me for quite some time. But the more I studied and read and prayed and opened my mind to all possibilities, the more I realized just how small the box was that I had created for myself. Today, I am no longer in that box. It takes great faith to let go of binding beliefs. Open yourself to the freedom Jesus offers. It is life changing. Stop pretending that you have all the answers and know the truth. That alone is very freeing. There was a time when I felt I had to be the expert in so many things. I thought it was important for my work, for my relationships, as a parent, as a church member. But man was I kidding myself. Now, I feel so darn free to admit, "I really don't know much of anything!" "I certainly don't claim to be an expert at anything!" "I make plenty of mistakes!" but I can declare that I have an amazing love for all people. I feel joyful most of the time. I feel free to learn new ways of thinking. I don't worry about anything. I feel very blessed! Oh there is so much more to talk about!

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! 
See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Have questions or comments? Love to hear them. You can add a comment at the end of this blog or you can call me at 618-334-3575

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist church coming together as one worshipping body to explore the possibilities of love and fellowship. Come visit us some Sunday morning at 8:45am. 800 North Main St. Edwardsville.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Gratitude...a way of looking at life!

Excerpts from a dogs diary:

8:00am      Dog Food!  My favorite thing!
9:30am      A car ride!  My favorite thing!
9:40am      A walk in the park!  My favorite thing!
10:30am    Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00pm    Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00pm      Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00pm     Wagged my tail at people!  My favorite thing!
5:00pm     Milk Bones!  My favorite thing!
7:00pm     Got to play ball!  My favorite thing!
8:00pm     Watched TV with people!  My favorite thing!
11:00pm    Sleeping on the bed!  My favorite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat's diary:

Day 990 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre, little dangling things. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape!

What is your mindset? "Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it!"  or "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!"

Have a great weekend! Rejoice in all your blessings! Be grateful! Let the reality of God surround you with His peace and love!

See you soon, love pastor kent and pastor jackie.

Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship. Two churches meeting as one loving family. 
Come join us. Sunday's at 8:45am. Located at 800 north main st. edwardsville. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Even A Goat Can Be in God's Ministry!

PCF....Do You Remember this Guy?

Steve Wescott and Leroy Brown. About 2 years ago I ran into this guy and his goat in downtown Edwardsville sitting in front of the Stagger Inn. I started a conversation with him and found out he had been walking for almost 2 years with his goat Leroy. They started in Seattle Washington! Their goal was to walk all the way to Times Square New York City to raise money for an orphanage in Nairobi Kenya. Of course I then invited him to come speak at our church, Praise Community Fellowship and, as Jesus has perfect timing, we were meeting at Glik Park that Sunday. 

Steve gave a great testimony and an interesting and funny talk about walking the country with a goat.  I have been following Steve over the past two years. Sad news, Leroy died last year. Evidently someone fed him something that made him very sick at one of his stops. I believe it happened somewhere in Ohio. Steve then replaced Leroy with a new goat named "Miles." Since Steve left the Edwardsville area he has been on the Steve Harvey Show and has been on several news and radio shows.

The reason for this post, Steve and Miles have made it to New York City!  Miles is currently taking a few days rest at a farm there while Steve is preparing for their grand entrance into Times Square. What a journey! Here is Steve's website about his cause and info about his long journey!


Life is a journey and it can be wonderfully crazy. It's up to you! Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist church welcome everyone looking for a new journey. We are all about love, compassion, fun, laughter, care, prayer, and fellowship.  Who knows what the next Sunday will bring? We like to mix it up!  

Sunday service is at 8:45am. We are located at 800 North main St. Edwardsville. 

Come be part of the fun!  Sincerely, pastor kent and pastor jackie

PCF....Do You Remember this Guy?

Steve Wescott and Leroy Brown. About 2 years ago I ran into this guy and his goat in downtown Edwardsville sitting in front of the Stagger Inn. I started a conversation with him and found out he had been walking for almost 2 years with his goat Leroy. They started in Seattle Washington! Their goal was to walk all the way to Times Square New York City to raise money for an orphanage in Nairobi Kenya. Of course I then invited him to come speak at our church, Praise Community Fellowship and, as Jesus has perfect timing, we were meeting at Glik Park that Sunday. 

Steve gave a great testimony and an interesting and funny talk about walking the country with a goat. 
So I have been following Steve over the past two years. Sad news, Leroy died last year. Evidently someone fed him something that made him very sick at one of his stops. I believe it happened somewhere in Ohio. Steve then replaced Leroy with a new goat named "Miles." Since Steve left the Edwardsville area he has been on the Steve Harvey Show and has been on several news and radio shows.

The reason for this post, Steve and Miles have made it to New York City!  Miles is currently taking a few days rest at a farm there while Steve is preparing for their grand entrance into Times Square. What a journey! Here is Steve's website about his cause and info about his long journey!


Life is a journey and it can be wonderfully crazy. It's up to you! Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist church welcome everyone looking for a new journey. We are all about love, compassion, fun, laughter, care, prayer, and fellowship.  Who knows what the next Sunday will bring? We like to mix it up!  

Sunday service is at 8:45am. We are located at 800 North main St. Edwardsville. 

Come be part of the fun!  Sincerely, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How Bad Is It?

If you are on Facebook, watch the evening news, or listen to talk radio, it will sound like we are falling apart at the seams just about everywhere.  Racial tensions, terrorists, wars, political corruption...Very Depressing!

This past summer Bonni and I had a business trip to Chicago. One afternoon we took time to do a little shopping on Michigan Avenue. Like most men, I got tired of that fairly quickly and decided to take a break from shopping. (to be fair, I was the one who bought the most on this trip!) So I decided to go outside and people watch.  I was there about 15 minutes by myself when an older gentleman sat down next to me smoking a cigar. We struck up a conversation. Turns out he was from Pakistan, a Muslim, and a business man at a conference in Chicago. We talked about the U.S., his country, about me being a Christian pastor and he being a muslim. I guess we had a 1/2 hour conversation and near the end we both decided that "most" people in the world just want to live and let live. They are not interested in war, hate, destruction, or hurting others. Most people just want to enjoy life, their family, to laugh, love, eat, feel safe, and be healthy. 

We shook hands, he gave me his card, which I still have today, and then he said with all sincerity, "Pastor Kent, if you ever come to Pakistan, you call me and I will show you around and we will have a good time!" He was sincere. 

There are currently 7.452 billion people in this world. I bet if we could count all the trouble makers that exist today, people who want to cause problems and hate and pain and hurt, that number would be less that 1% of the world population, yet they get the most news and attention.

So what is the answer since there are real problems to be solved? 
Be part of the solution! 
Promote love, acceptance and healing! 
Be kind! 
Be forgiving! 
Be helpful!
Be willing to reach out and talk with people who are not like you!
I guess it could be summed up in Jesus' words, "Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself!"

There is hope! Darkness cannot overpower light. It's just the opposite. But we have been taught that darkness is powerful. Not true. 

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, two churches living, loving, and growing together to spread the light. Come join us Sunday mornings at 8:45am. 800 North Main Edwardsville.

See you soon, love, pastor kent and pastor jackie. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

I'm Glad I'm Not Like That!

Take a look at this parable told by Jesus.

Luke 18:9-14New International Version (NIV

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

When I read this story, in my mind I said to myself, "Well I know I'm not like the Pharisee!"  Guess where that thought leaves me? 

Makes me laugh at myself!  As usual!  Hope you are having a great Monday.  God is with you. Try to engage Him during your day! You might learn something!

Prayers requests:

Debbie Creamer has a benign brain tumor that'll be removed soon. Prayers for comfort and healing.

Connor, Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson and family need Gods strength and healing since Connors head injuries are affecting his behaviors. Pray for strength, healing and for direction regarding his care.

Colin Rives, the grandson of Judy and Bill Daubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment. Praying for healing and effective treatment for his cancer, comfort for his family.

John, pastor Jackie's husband,   continued healing from diabetes complications. 

Emily Bastholm, prayers for eye surgery to go well and rapid healing. 

See you soon, love pastor kent

Thursday, September 15, 2016

This Sunday.........."Perfect Love Casts Out Fear!"

I hope you will join us this Sunday, Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship and the message will be: "Perfect Love Casts Out Fear!"  

Great, how do I get some of that?

Sunday we will look at how to get it, and how it will change your life, the lives of people around you, and the direction of the church. 

If you are afraid, let us comfort you.
If you are sad, let us help lift your spirit.
If you are lonely, let us welcome you and love you.
If you are angry, come and let us help bring healing.
If you are happy, come be part of the love and the light!
If you have a need, come share it with us. 
Let us pray for you and with you. 

"The Church" located at 800 North Main in Edwardsville, is a place where two congregations have decided to become one family. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist have come together as one christian family seeking God's will and direction to become the light on a hill for anyone who feels like they are in a dark place. 

Pastor Jackie and I do not have all the answers but God does and Sunday morning is when we come before Him to be restored.  You and I need a place of spiritual refreshment. That is why we come together before God!

May I make a suggestion to you before coming to service this Sunday; read through the book of 1 John. 1 John is a short book near the back of the New Testament. I call it the Love Chapter. 

Sometimes, "All You Need is Good Dose of God's Love!"

See you Sunday at 8:45am at 800 North Main Edwardsville located in the second oldest church in Edwardsville. Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What Is Your Agenda?

Agenda defined, "An unstated underlying motive." If you take time to think about this question you may be surprised at what comes to mind. I did a sermon on what I discovered about myself when I served on the church council of a large church the second time. My agenda for serving on the council at that time was to get a new sound system for the church. That was my "primary" agenda. That is until God had a little talk with me. The Holy Spirit helped me to realize that the $50,000 I was seeking could feed a lot of hungry people and buy a lot of clothing for the poor.  I dropped my agenda! It felt good! 

I have found that to have an agenda can be a wonderful thing or a not-so-good thing. It all depends on whether my agenda is selfish or God inspired. My God inspired agendas feel good. They feel right.

If you can uncover agenda's in your life that are selfish, scrub them from your hard drive! Selfish unstated, underlying motives (agenda's) cause inner and outer conflict. Businesses have been ruined over selfish agenda's. Churches have been torn apart because of selfish agenda's. Selfish agenda's can ruin relationships, and create an unpleasant overall life experience. Most of us have known and experienced people who have allowed selfish agenda's to create havoc in their life as well as in the lives of people around them. 

So what is your agenda? Does it line up with Jesus' teachings to love others as much as you love yourself, even if the others do not fit your qualifications? 

Here is an assignment. Go to God and ask Him to give you your life's agenda's. Let Him be in charge of what your agendas are. You can't go wrong pursuing what God has placed in your heart to accomplish. Let your unstated, underlying motive be directed by God Himself! Now that will be something worth accomplishing! Hint, if love isn't at the core of the agenda, you need to go back to the drawing board.

Pastor Kent and Pastor Jackie share pastoral duties at 800 North Main St. Edwardsville. Worship time is Sunday morning at 8:45am. We are informal. We believe in Love. We are welcoming. We are learning together. We are two separate churches worshipping as one spiritual family. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist, learning to love the way God desires. 

Hope to see you soon! Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Prayer Requests and Announcements Added

When you read the four Gospels in the New Testament one thing stands out very clear, where ever Jesus showed up, something amazing usually happened. It all started at a wedding in Canna. Jesus was a problem solver for many people. The ironic thing is, the church and the religious leaders of the day saw Him just the opposite. They saw Jesus as a problem creator. 

How could the same guy be defined in two such radically different ways? 
Jesus was solving problems for the broken hearted, the left out, the rejected, the outcasts. Many times the people Jesus was helping were the very same people the religious people despised and shunned.  Do you think He might have been trying to tell us something?

Think about that!
Don't let your religion get in the way of love!
Love always wins!  

Prayers Requested:
Collin Rives grandson of Judy and Bill Daubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment. Praying for healing and effective treatment for his cancer.
Pastor Jackie's Husband John     Healing from diabetes complications. 

Announcements: Brad Heuchert is putting together a memorial service involving the Edwardsville Glen Carbon Fire Departments. The service will begin at 12:00 noon this Sunday, September 11th, at the Sunset Hills Cemetery located on Route 157 in Edwardsville. There will be an honor guard and music provided by Anna Harris, Steve and Debbie Loucks and Matt Conway. Please mark your calendars for this memorial and patriotic event.  This Sunday, 12:00 noon at Sunset Hills Cemetery located on Route 157 leaving Edwardsville. 

See you soon. Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Love Always Wins!

When you read the four Gospels in the New Testament one thing stands out very clear, where ever Jesus showed up, something amazing usually happened. It all started at a wedding in Canna. Jesus was a problem solver for many people. The ironic thing is, the church and the religious leaders of the day saw Him just the opposite. They saw Jesus as a problem creator. 

How could the same guy be defined in such two very radically different ways? 
Jesus was solving problems for the broken hearted, the left out, the rejected, the outcasts. Many times the people Jesus was helping were the very same people the religious people despised and shunned.  Do you think He might have been trying to tell us something?

Oh I could go on but no need.  Just think about that!
Don't let your religion get in the way of love!
Love always wins!  

Hope to see you soon!   Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, September 1, 2016

This Sunday

What Can I Possibly Do that can Impact the World for God's Kingdom?  

You might be surprised! This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship. We will be sharing communion. The reason you should join us this Sunday? I am going to give you a simple way to become very significant in God's Kingdom.  Hint: You won't have to sell your home, car, or children. You won't have to move to Africa, hock your golf clubs, or do without your Starbucks!

If you would like to become part of a movement of doing good and changing lives, join me this Sunday at 8:45am, 800 North main Street Edwardsville. 

I look forward to seeing you then. 

Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship, two churches coming together to Love our Neighbors as We Love Ourselves! You don't have to be good or know all the answers, you just need to let God work through you!

James 1:22But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

Love, pastor kent & pastor jackie