Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Wandering Hebrews Now and Then


On January 9th 2012 I sent the following email after meeting at Jim and Sue Ebersoldt's home.

Last night’s fellowship group aka "The Flash Mob church" was a gathering inspired by the Holy Spirit. People thru the ages have been brought together by Gods calling for many reasons. One story that comes to mind when I think about our new beginning are the Hebrew people who left Egypt and started a journey to the promised land.

I like that analogy for our group because that is exactly where we find ourselves at this moment in time. We have stepped out in faith into the unknown on a journey that promises to be exciting.  Yet, we are not sure exactly where it is we are going. One of the lessons to be learned from the Hebrews flight from Egypt on their journey to the promised land is: Listen closely to Gods prompting and direction. Pray for guidance, be patient, and watch and listen closely for the opportunities that God will show us. It was the straying from God's directions that kept the Hebrews from entering the promised land for 40 years. 

Let me share with you something I have learned over the years about praying and listening for God's direction and this is very important. " Do not have a pre conceived idea of what God wants this group to do or become!"

God's ways are not mans ways. God will, through all of us, bring into focus what our mission will be. It could be something that we have not even considered and may be something that we least expect. Whatever it is you can rest assured that it will bring huge blessings to many as long as we do our part by staying close to God’s word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We will talk about all his more as we move forward. In the mean time we will continue to gather to sing, worship, fellowship and listen for Gods direction. 

To everyone who attended Last night. Blessings to you, be uplifted and excited. Let love, compassion, forgiveness and healing fill all of your hearts and dominate your life. And most important, talk with God every day and ask Him for direction. He really does hear and answer, but we must keep an open mind and willing heart to know His direction.

Love, Kent

NOW, 7 months later: 

We have come amazingly far since then. We are all part of a miracle unfolding. We have been accepted with open arms by the members of Esic Church. Our Sunday night meetings are at capacity in the sanctuary. We are experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit and the life changing power that comes when we come with love and gratitude in our hearts. We are finding a strong family bond amongst those who come to our worship services. There is happiness, joy, and a feeling of hope and love with everyone I speak with. 

So now we come to another critical time in our growth. Where do you want to go from here?  Remember we as Christians are here to serve!  We are to take the light, the love, the compassion, the hope and the healing that Jesus has blessed us with into this hurting world.  Each and every one of us has a ministry. We have more and more people coming to our services for the the love and hope, and release that we are all experiencing. 

I have requests for Sunday school opportunities. I have requests to do services every Sunday instead of only on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. I have those wondering where are we going to put  ore people as our group continues to grow.  So my question to all of you is this, "What is your vision, and how can you help build that vision?"

This is exciting!  God is moving among us, "The Wandering Hebrews."  
Last Sunday I made a public commitment to this ministry, that I would dedicate all my time, energy, and ability to the ministry of Jesus and to Praise Community Fellowship. I symbolized that commitment by being baptized by Pastor Barry Harris, Esic's retired pastor. 

As I mentioned in an earlier email this past week I will begin helping Esic on Sunday mornings by preaching on a rotating schedule and by conducting a bible study class. There are opportunities opening up for all of us to help make our ministry a beacon of hope and light. The Holy Spirit is moving in this church.  Big things are happening. We are creating a movement!  

My VISION:  Our church is going to be so wonderful, so filled with loving, compassionate, forgiving and non-judgemental people and so Spirit filled, that we will have a waiting line of broken people trying to get into our services to be touched by the Holy Spirit. That we will have a facility that provides needed services to the community seven days a week always with the top priority being bringing people into a close personal relationship with Jesus.  

We are not even one year old and think of how far we have come and all we have accomplished with the help the Holy Spirit and the generosity of Esic Church. There is an energy brewing and it is a very wonderful spirit filled energy. Come be a part of this ministry. All are welcome. 
Start dreaming big dreams because with God, all things are possible!.   

Sincerely and with love, Kent Schuette.       Call me 618-334-3575

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