Friday, September 14, 2012

Family Dinner

Hi Everyone
It's time again to join together to "break bread" and share fellowship. In this case it is spaghetti with a home made sauce by chef Gary featuring fresh tomatoes, herbs and spices from the garden of Walt and Mary Ann Williams. (meat and meatless)
Sept 23 is the date, 5:00 pm is the time. Those whose last name begins with A-M bring a dessert and those with N-Z bring a salad. French garlic bread and beverages will round out the delectable dinner. PLEASE bring your item by 4:45 so we may serve at 5:00 pm. Remember, our service starts at 6:30! If you wish to help set up and take down please be at the church by 4 pm.
Again, it is necessary to let me know if you are coming and the number in your group so as to insure the pot luck items are balanced and the purchases are adequate. This will be the ONLY email sent out so if you plan on attending reply NOW before you forget.
Also, as you may have read the GLEN-ED food pantry is running very short on supplies for our homeless and needy. We ask that you bring several canned or non-refrigerated packaged food items that will be collected at the door. 
This is an excellent opportunity to invite that friend that you have been meaning to invite to our wonderful Praise Community Fellowship.
Bless you all and pass the cookies!

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