Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bring it into Focus

I have been landscaping. It is a  fairly large project. Building a stone wall, moving lots of dirt, and there are more materials on the way.  Right now it looks like a big mess. Materials strewn all over. Eventually it will be beautiful but it wont get that way by itself. I will have to lift, move, and arrange the raw materials into an organized plan.  It's not easy moving tons of materials by hand and by wheel barrow.

I could pray everyday for those materials to arrange themselves into a beautiful landscape but I would probably be looking at a pile of materials for the rest of my life with no results. What makes landscaping even more challenging is sometimes you run into unforeseen obstacles like tree roots or rocks or old concrete. Today I tore down a section of landscape wall that I worked real hard on for several hours yesterday.  Why?  Because it just didn't look right.  I could have continued and let it alone but then every time I looked at the project it would bother me. I would be thinking from now on how I should have done it differently so it looked better.

You and I are a pile of raw material. We need to be shaped and arranged into something beautiful. It can be hard work and sometimes we may have to tear down some things that we have already spent a lot of effort and time on. Why?  So we can glorify God in all that we are.

What raw materials are you still praying about to be turned into something beautiful? You may have to get up and do something, change something, tear something apart to get to where God wants you to be.
It may be a very hard thing to do and take a lot of work but it will be worth it I promise.

Love Pastor Kent.   Sore but motivated.
Drive by 657 East Lake Drive and you can see the project in process.

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