Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Morning Thoughts, Let's Go Fishing!

Do you realize where you are on your journey with God determines your role as a member of the church?  The further along you are on your Christian journey, the more will be required of you!

Praise Community Fellowship is still a new, growing church with the mission of fulfilling our three primary goals.

1.)  Our Message:  Letting people know God has a plan for their life.
2.)  Our Mission: Opening a conversation about the reality and power of Jesus with as many people as possible.
3.) Our Method: To live our lives as a demonstration of the Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing with everyone who crosses our paths and in all circumstances.

Now for those of you who have accepted Jesus and realize His power and Grace, let me shock with you with some very important news, "Our Church is not all about you!" Now before you get mad at me and jump ship let me explain what I am talking about.

There have been times when I have gone fishing out in a boat with several people. Depending on the size of the boat, having several people trying to fish all at the same time can be very challenging especially if you have some newbies, (people who have never fished before). Now, as an experienced fisherman, and as someone who loves to share the joy of catching fish with others, who do you think should get most of my attention in that boat of people?  The ones who already know how to fish or the ones who do not even know how to tie a lure onto their line?   I guess the answer depends on what I want to accomplish on my fishing trip doesn't it?  Is the trip all about me and my pleasure catching as many fish as possible?  Or, am I willing to sacrifice my trip and help those who do not know how to fish so they can experience a successful and rewarding fishing experience and learn how to catch fish?

Now imagine a very large boat that has 30 experienced fisherman and 30 inexperienced newbies all wanting to experience catching fish.  There will be some experienced fisherman on the boat who will totally ignore the newbies and try to fulfill their own passion and goals by catching as many fish as possible. Some of these experienced fisherman will complain and get very aggravated at the newbies because the newbies don't know the "rules" and the methods of fishing in groups. Some of the experienced fisherman will get down right rude and angry at the inexperienced newbies who accidentally get their line tangled in with the experienced fisherman. Luckily, there will always be a couple of experienced fisherman who will do their very best to try and help both the experienced fisherman and the newbies try to have a great fishing trip. But no matter how hard the one or two experienced fisherman try to keep everyone happy, they will probably fail because there just isn't enough help to allow everyone a great experience. 30 experienced fisherman, 30 inexperienced fisherman. Look at the potential!  Imagine the solution!

It takes time, patience, and love to help new Christians grow and understand the love and power of Jesus. Can you grasp what I am trying to say?

Praise Community Fellowship is going fishing. I will need help so everyone can enjoy the journey. And by the way, I think we are doing an amazing job of laying down our own poles and helping others. This story is about our future and what it is going to take as we reach out and invite new "inexperienced fisherman" into our boat. Amen!   As I tell my friend "P".  THINK!    Hope to see you all soon!  Love, Pastor Kent

ANNOUNCEMENT: Jerry Godin's memorial service will be held Saturday June 28th at 11:00 AM at the Crystal Garden where we now meet.  Lunch will follow the service. Betty has invited all of you to attend.

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