Friday, March 6, 2015

Move your Clocks Forward for Sunday and other stuff!

This Sunday I am going to begin a theme for the rest of March on Possibilities! One of the things I am going to need help with is the possibility of reaching the unchurched. What would a church look like that the unchurched would get excited about attending?

All things change. It is necessary for growth. There was a time in America when Buggy manufacturers did a booming business. Then came the automobile. The Buggy manufacturers had a choice, change or become obsolete. Most of them became obsolete. The Buggy manufacturors didn't know the business they were in.  They thought they were in the "Buggy" business, they were not. They were really in the transportation business.

Kodak went through the same demise. They thought they were in the photographic "film" business, they were not.  They were in the picture business. People wanted to preserve memories. Kodak went away like the buggy business.

Does the church know what business it is in?  We are in the Transformation business!  We want to introduce people to the living God so that HE can transform their lives!  Too often I think the church thinks it is in the "information business", the ritual business, the tradition keeper business. Sometimes I think we believe if we give people enough information, something good is going to happen. Information is definitely necessary in our business. We receive the Gospel by hearing the word of God. But we have to be very careful that we do not become information junkies that have stopped transforming ourselves and "others!"

When I was in High School in the early 70's everybody body wanted an 8 track tape player in their car.  Some of you know what I am talking about. There were actually songs on the 8 track tape that would be interrupted in the middle of the song because the tape had to change tracks. Oh but how cool it was to carry around those big bulky 8 track tapes.

Are we creating an environment that will draw the unchurched to want to become part of God's family?

To me one of the craziest things about the church today is that basically, it is a place where people who already know God, come to meet and get more information about Him. Now that is not a bad thing. It is a good thing, a very good thing. Where we fail is the commission that Jesus gave us. Go out into the world and bring the gospel to those who do not know God! That is where I think we, meaning most churches, are failing big time. Maybe every Sunday does not have to be the same. Maybe there should  several times a month where we become different to be more inclusive and inviting to those who we are called to reach?

I believe the church is in the "transformation" business. Maybe I'm wrong.  What do you think?

This Sunday, we will share communion, and we will begin dreaming about possibilities. Maybe we will be able to soon say, "PCF, a church willing to step out of the box to reach the unchurched for Jesus!"

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

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