Tuesday, April 5, 2016

You Cannot Adjust Your Life To God if You Don't Know What He Is Saying!

Have you ever had someone needing help with something come to you and say, "What do I Do Now? or "How can I Fix This?"  Then, as you offer to help, they either don't listen to you or they interrupt you with other issues, or they say they can't do that because....

Frustrating isn't it?

God is speaking. He will speak to you. He will give you direction. He does love you. He knows the best plan for your life. BUT....you will never hear Him if you don't stay focused on Him and seek time with Him.

Requirements to Hear God.
1.) You must have a sincere, deep desire to hear from Him.
2.) Ask for forgiveness from your sins and ask Him to reveal any hidden sins.
3.) You need time to read the bible daily, because He speaks through these stories.
4.) You need to contact Him through prayer, which is simply talking with Him daily.
5.) You must become God Conscious.
6.) When He speaks, you must do what He says to continue hearing from Him.
7.) When you fail to do what He says, and you will at times, confess this sin, and ask for forgiveness and then complete whatever it was He asked for you to change.

The above requirements are not a formula but things I have used to hear from God. There are probably more. Remember, what you want and what God wants for you are usually opposing paths. That's because of the sin virus satan has placed on your hard drive which runs 24/7 in the background with the message of, "You Don't Need God. He is Irrelevant To Your Happiness and Success!"  When you get that program shut down by accepting Jesus, who is the only one who can rid you of that sin virus,  you can learn to hear from God by aligning your life with His will. Then, His path also becomes your desire.

If we could only grasp the the life changing significance of living our life as God directs.

What is God saying to you? We need to share this more with one another.

Prayers requested:
Mike Rodgers, Lori Rodgers husband, severe disabling back pain.
Krista Kell, Hip and leg pain.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma.
Linda Daniel, healing from severe asthma.
Guidance for our two churches.

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

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