Thursday, May 12, 2016

Every Sunday Must Be A Soul Reviving Sunday!

Every Sunday is "the most important" Sunday to me. God wants us to come together and be renewed, recharged, and to be blessed in His presence. I know that God has a word for you. And when you get a word from God, it contains the seed of Change, of Hope, of Renewal!

I go to church to experience God, even when I preach. I go to church to be with other other believers who each bring our little flame of faith into one gathering so that when we come together we can ignite others who's flame has all but gone out. When we come together our flame becomes hotter and more powerful just like a bon-fire.

Maybe that is a good analogy for a healthy church. if we come together and ignite a hot enough fire, the heat and the light and the smoke from that fire of love and belief is going to get attention. And hopefully it will attract those who are cold, wet, and hungry for what God has to offer.

Are you hurting?
Have you lost your way?
Does life seem next to impossible to figure out?
Do you need someone to talk with? To Love you?
To help you get through a rough time?

We have a wonderful caring family that gathers every Sunday at 8:45am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville. Our family is made up of two churches families. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist. Pastor Jackie of Immanuel Methodist and Pastor Kent of Praise Community Fellowship have decided to make one big family out of two congregations. We have now been together for a year and wonderful things are happening.

Listen, God is real! Jesus Loves You! And there is hope even when things look as if there is no hope. You don't have to live in turmoil and frustration, and anger. Let a family of God surround you with love and hope. It's real!

Prayers Needed

The Family of Jim Keller 

Colin Rives, grandson of Judy and Bill Daubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment.

Jack Butler, Jack is home and is done with treatments. He will be recovering for the next 4 to 6 weeks at home.

Alexis Tharp, Alexis is recovering from a broken wrist and is an unemployed single parent of Audrey  her 4 year old.

Stan Rutkowski, Stan is a double amputee and lives alone in pontoon beach. He is fighting a compression wound which prevents him from sitting except for very short periods.


Saturday mornings there is a need for volunteers for our Kids free lunch program led by Faye Heuchert. She is always looking for volunteers to help with this awesome ministry. Call Faye at 656-5885.

Men's bible study at the church at 9:00 am Saturday mornings, all are invited for coffee and discussion.

Have an idea, a concern, a need? Call pastor kent or pastor Jackie.
Pastor kent 618-334-3575    Pastor Jackie 618-656-4648

Hope to see you this Sunday at 800 North Main Street at 8:45am.  PCF will be leading worship and we look forward to seeing you! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

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