Monday, August 15, 2016

What You Need on a Rainy Monday!

If you could get on an airplane this morning and fly high enough, the sun is shining very bright above all this rain. There are perfectly clear blue skies if you go high enough. 

So, if your feeling a little low, you just need some spiritual altitude. It can be found by reciting these words with enthusiasm. 

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We (I) will rejoice and be glad in it.

Right now in this very moment, you can connect with the God who created everything. All it takes is an open mind, a receptive heart, and a real desire to hear from Him. Take the time now if at all possible and say this prayer.

"God, I am feeling (........) please make yourself real to me today. Open my ears and my eyes and my heart to your presence. I need you every minute. I want to walk close with you today and everyday. Help me to stay close to you and help me to know your voice and your promptings so that I can fulfill what you have planned for my life!" Thank You! Amen

The people you see winning the medals in the olympics started their journey by making a decision many years ago. The decision became a commitment. And the commitment became the journey. Take one step toward God and His way of life and peace today. Trust in that decision and then every minute of every day continue walking toward Him in everything you do! Someday you too will be standing on the podium of  success, Peace, Love, and Joy! 

See you this Sunday! Love, pastor kent

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