Friday, April 21, 2017

This Sunday

The older I get, the more I realize there is so much more to learn about "everything! "I want to know more about God, the Bible, how to make bread, paint better pictures, how to become a better Grandpa, Dad, Husband, Neighbor, Pastor, Friend. I want to know more about how to communicate better, and how to help more people who are suffering. The list could go on and on.

What do you want to learn before you leave this earth? 
What are you doing with your time now? 
I read an interesting comment the other day. It said, "If you really want to become an expert at something or get really good at something, you would be living differently than you are right now!"
I find that very interesting. All of us are making choices that are either expanding our wisdom and talents or we are making choices that are stealing a better future not only from ourselves, but from many others as well. God can use you. But you may have to be transformed. And here is the deal. We are all being transformed! The question is, is it for the better? 

This Sunday we will be welcoming a new drummer...?.. it's a surprise.
Our worship time will be at 8:45. There will be great music, and hopefully a great sermon.
See you Sunday. Pastor Kent

Prayer Needs:

Mike Rogers. Mike is the husband Lori Rodgers. Mike has had another serious operation on his back and is recovering. His arms are not working properly and needs God's healing touch. Also pray for Lori who is taking care of Mike as well as working many hours at beverly Farm.

Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys has stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Stan Rutkowski Stan continues to struggle with his compression wounds. We pray for Stan's strength and healing.

Dave Hart  Dave has been battling cancer of the brain for the past 5 years. He is in hospice care and we ask God to be with he and Donna and their family during this time of transition. 

Barb Weiss  Please lift Barb up in prayer as she is preparing for back surgery soon.

Bonni Rutkowski  We lift up Bonni as she continues to recover from her brain aneurysm procedure. 

Jeff Wiles  Jeff is in transition with his employment. We ask for God's wisdom and favor on Jeff's behalf. Jeff has a servants heart and is a huge contributor in our praise and worship group along with his wife Christian and his son Jordan. 

Butch Peterson Butch is still recovering from his broken shoulders. Even though it takes extra work and effort, the broken shoulders have not kept Butch from being at all the board meetings both for our church and Immanuel United Methodist meetings. Please lift Butch and Sandy for healing and comfort. 

Church Calendar for the next few weeks. 
  • Sunday April 23rd.  PCF leads worship.  Pastor Kent
  • Sunday April 30th. One service at 10:00am. Jordan Grammer will lead worship.
  • Sunday May 7th.    PCF leads worship. Pastor Kent. This will be the only service PCF will lead in May due to Kent and Bonni's Schedule. 

This Friday, April 21, Kid’s Night Out will be held from 5:30-8:30 pm.  Children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for a special evening of eating supper together, and then doing various activities including crafts and playing games.  The evening will conclude with watching a movie and munching on popcorn.  There is no cost.  All children are welcome at Kid’s Night Out!  You can RSVP by return e-mail, but a reservation is not required.  Adult helpers are needed to serve and clean-up the dinner, and to supervise during activity times and during the movie.  If you can help for an hour or two, please contact Kiffon Lewis (210-9628).


This Sunday is Condiments & Spices Sunday.  Last week you contributed 42 pounds for the pantry, which included 8 packages of toilet paper, 6 bottles of catsup, 7 bottles of mustard, 9 containers of salt, 1 container of pepper, 2 bottles of BBQ sauce, 2 packages of cinnamon, 3 bottles garlic salt, 3 bottles Italian seasoning and 1 can of baking powder.  Pretty awesome considering it was Easter weekend!!  

See you Sunday!  Love, pastor kent

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