Friday, July 14, 2017

The Gap!

What stands between you and your dream life?

When I was young I spent many hours dreaming about all the possibilities life had to offer and how how I was going to try and make some of those possibilities a reality. I dreamt of homes, businesses, adventures, travel, what my family would look like, money, writing hit songs, and on and on...
Now that I am almost 61, I can look back over my life and see the many mistakes as well as successes that I have had and see that there is one thing in all my failures that was a common denominator.  I call it the GAP.

The GAP is what ever is keeping you from realizing your dreams. It could be education, location, motivation, technology, money, laziness, fear, physical ability, you name it. There are a thousand things we could say are keeping us from realizing our dream life. Closing the Gap becomes the challenge. But, there are so many more considerations before you start charging ahead trying to close a GAP. Before you invest time, money, effort, blood, sweat and tears in bridging a GAP, make sure what you think is on the other side really exists and if getting there really will be a promised land!

In the old testament we see that the Israelites always seemed to have a GAP between where they were and the promised land. First it was the Egyptian Pharaoh, then it was lack of trust and obedience in God, finally it was the Jordan river. How would they get over that river to the promised land?

All of us face GAPs in life when it comes to getting what we are seeking. We cannot stop the river from flowing like Joshua did, but we do have a bridge available to us that can close the GAP on everything that is keeping us from our promised land. That bridge is Jesus.

Here is what I know from my 60+ years on this earth. There will always be GAPS in this life, but the closer you walk with Jesus, the better the odds of you crossing barriers that are keeping you from your promised land. And, even more important than that, walking close with Jesus each day can keep you from trying to bridge GAPs that you shouldn't be trying to cross to begin with.

If you are not where you want to be in life, examine yourself and the GAPs before you.
Do you need more education?
Are you a bridge burner?
Are you trying to Glorify God in everything you think, say, and do?
Are you living your life as a demonstration of Jesus' love, compassion, and forgiveness?
Do you have the other person's best interest in mind or your own?
*Have you consulted God about the GAP you want to bridge?*

Here is what I know, "The closer you walk with Jesus and follow His teachings, the more complete and satisfied life you will live!

Please continue prayers for:

Brad Fultz in the intensive care fighting multiple organ failure.
Cathy Watson has begun her chemo treatments.
Stan Rutkowski will need surgery soon for pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp is still undergoing tests for dizzy spells.
Jack Butler for continued healing.
Bonni continued healing for broken leg.

Sunday service at 8:45am.  This Sunday Immanuel United Methodist will be leading worship. 
800 North Main Street Edwardsville. Pastoral needs and prayer requests please call the office at 618-656-4648. 

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

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